My name is Sarah and I first started this blog just to post the stuff that helped me. I had unprovoked and provoked vuvlodynia for 15 years even through pregnancy. I also struggled with chronic UTIs, yeast infections, lichen sclerosis (probably), rawness, microcuts, weird rashes, miscarriage, ugh. I followed Anthony William protocols to heal everything above. First, I healed without an MM coach. When I healed I didn't know about any of these amazing women. MM had not even published his first book yet. If given the chance... I would have totally hired a coach for a period of time. I would have made things easier. The other admins in our FB vulva group found the MM coaches below extremely helpful.
IMPORTANT POINT: I/we are not here to sell you anything. There are no affiliate links on this website. I do NOT make any money from this website. Yes, the coaches below earn their income by coaching but I don't think most of them even know they are listed on this website. They are on this list because they were recommended by other women in our group who they helped heal.
So yes, you pay them but sometimes it's worth the money for someone to help put the pieces of your health together. It's hard to think clearly when your vagina is on fire. Although I never used a coach while healing. There just wasn't a lot of MM coaches when I was super sick or I didn't know about them. Honestly, I didn't have the money at the time either. MM published enough information for me to connect the dots by myself (along with my angels) and heal.
There are sooo many personal resources that can help you through this process. I am currently taking a hiatus from coaching individuals but don't worry there are so many great coaches out there who honestly have much MORE experience than I do who can help you. When I was coaching, it was something I just did on the side after my children fell asleep. The people who are listed in the document below coach others everyday, all day long. They have experience with the worst cases. Please reach out to them. I still help women with vagina issues on the Facebook group, Vulva Warrior Medical Medium Healing.
Joy is not only an MM guru but she also spent 3 decades working as a OB/GYN and psychiatrist in traditional/conventional medicine. Joy has also been active in our Facebook group for years now which is important cause we are seeing healing trends in our community and it's important for coaches to be aware of those trends. I personally consider Joy a friend of mine and I am so excited that she is making this leap to help others this way. So honestly, she would be my first recommendation if you are looking to hire an MM coach especially if your situation is complicated. My only warning is that I wouldn't hire someone of Joy's caliber unless I was fully dedicated to following her recommendations and MMs protocols.
Hello. I am very interested in this protocol. I have been suffering for 5 months (not long at all in comparison to some women.) I am part of a group on Facebook. It's so depressing. I noticed that everyone is doing western medicine to no avail. Where does God come in? He made us in his image! He IS NOT a weak and sick. He said let food be thy medicine. This is it! I am so grateful for all of your hard wrk putting this together and simplifying. I am determined to heal. My husband and I have not been intimate since this began. I can't take baths, swim in my pool, some days, the swelling is so bad, I can't even walk. Ill be 33 next month's and we really want kids. I would love any help I can get. Your time won't be waisted on me. ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you so much again
You can also call me 415 595 8019
Sorry... just saw your message above. Calling you now
DeleteYou're right food is medicine and God provided what we needed. Unfortunately, our current conventional medicine does not understand the severity of these viruses that are at epidemic levels. God did not abandon us but unfortunately, God has to work within ways where we can hear Him. My healing journey is full of stories of God's miracles. V taught me how to listen to God speak in very unconventional ways. I never would have believed God could speak through the healing sources I now know that He does. I don't regret having V. The reason I don't regret having V because without this painful disease I never would have learned how to heal myself and more importantly my son. I now know I did all of this so I could heal him and hear God in very tangible ways daily.
ReplyDeleteI would love your help..can you contact me? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHave you emailed me? Just look for my info in the Need Help... We can talk page