I have designed this page to help guide you through Anthony William’s published advice pertaining to vagina related issues. It might never be complete but it's still pretty thorough. Please read the introduction below and use the search function on your computer/phone to look up your specific diagnosis is but more importantly YOUR PAIN TYPE (burning, itch, pain, etc). This page should help you figure out what shows and posts and books to read first. This should not be used a replacement for learning directly from the information Medical Medium has
The PINK titles below are links.
Just click on one to be directed to the corresponding section.
Just click on one to be directed to the corresponding section.
8. Dirty Blood Syndrome (8B-8E related ailments)
8B. Dry, Cracked Skin/Microcuts/Fissures
8C. Vaginal Eczema/Vaginal Dermatitis/Weird Rashes/Rawness/Irritation
8D. Microcuts/Fissures/Rawness - During a Cleanse
9. Strep in the Intestines (SIBO) (9A-9H related ailments)
9B. Candida or Yeast Infections 9C. Vaginal Discharge
9D. Discharge During a Cleanse or While Eating Super Clean
9E. Bacterial Vaginosis
9F. Vaginal Strep
13A. Interstitial Cystitis
13B. Overactive Bladder
13C. Incontinence
14A. Menstrual Cramps
14B. PMS Symptoms
14C. Abnormal Menstrual Periods
14D. Heavy/Long Menstrual Cycle (Anemia etc.)
14E. Intermittent Vaginal Bleeding
14F. Period Pain
14G. True Healing Stories
First, read this introductory section. You have probably already figured out that things like vulvodynia (as a term) will not be listed in this page. It’s too general, way too general. It literally means, “Chronic, unexplained pain in the area around the opening of the vagina.” Sigh. This page lists Anthony William recommendations by specific ailment and pain type. Use the search function on this page to look up your specific problem. If your vagina is burning look up "burning" or "microcuts" or "rawness" or "bacteria vaginosis."
When helping women I learned really quickly the pain differs in each person. It could be burning, muscular, nerve, tingles, one or a few sensitive spots, small unexplained cuts or the vagina just isn’t pliable making sex or just tampons torturous. It could burn in flares or sometimes it burn all the time. It could feel like the muscles are sore, all the time. The burning could reach down your legs or to your butt hole. Most of our issues are accompanied by UTIs, rashes, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, etc. Oh my. So, I am trying to tackle as much of these issues as I can on this page, so you can USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION TO FIND YOUR SPECIFIC PAIN TYPE and decide what Medical Medium book or show or chapter to read first.
If you find you specific ailment below and try out a few recommendations I would be surprised if your pain decreased. Why? Because you need to be doing the MM basics, see post 20. This includes lemon water upon waking (using a clean water source, see post 14), celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie, no/little fat till noon, removing most NO foods, B12, zinc, micro C, etc. Increasing fruits, veggies, leafy greens. Your body just needs more support to heal. I talk about the MM basics on post 1 and post 20. For example, say your vagina is burning so you drink some nettle leaf which starts to kill the virus inflaming your lady parts which is great! But then you eat some yogurt afterwards which unfortunately feeds the virus nettle leaf was trying to kill.
If you just take a few herbs or eat a few foods he recommends for an ailment or just remove a few things from your diet, it most likely won’t be enough to kill these viruses. Unfortunately, you will need follow the protocol a little more strictly. If all of this seems overwhelming please take a breath! Read post 20 which breaks down the healing process into simple steps.
If you are pregnant... you can't do many of the things suggested below. Most herbs are out and many supplements. It means though that you can focus on lots of juicing, fruits, vegetables at a medicinal level. I healed vaginal burning flare while pregnant and helped other pregnant woman. See post 9, post 17, post 14. If it was me I would reach out to a coach just to keep everyone safe and healthy, see post 7.
If you are pregnant... you can't do many of the things suggested below. Most herbs are out and many supplements. It means though that you can focus on lots of juicing, fruits, vegetables at a medicinal level. I healed vaginal burning flare while pregnant and helped other pregnant woman. See post 9, post 17, post 14. If it was me I would reach out to a coach just to keep everyone safe and healthy, see post 7.
Anthony William's Recommendations for Vaginal Issues
So strep likes to live in the slime of EBV. So to kill strep, you'll need to understand both viruses. The first book Medical Medium has a great chapter that you should read. He also published this blog post which is really great! This virus can be a bit complicated so I'm not really going to get into here. It's probably safe to assume that you have EBV in some stage even if it's not the main one causing your issues right now. EBV is more than likely one of your foundational problems weakening your liver allowing other issues and pathogens to rupture.
Link: Medical Medium: Epstein-Barr Virus
According to him, EBV can also cause lots of symptoms some include "muscle pain, joint pain, painful tender points, back pain, skin burning or itching, a roaming burning pain..." Source: Medical Medium Life by Anthony William
Best supplements/herbs to kill EBV: cat's claw, silver hydrosol, zinc, B12, licorice root, lemon balm, l-lysine, spirulina, ester-c, nettle leaf, monolaurin, elderberry, red clover, star anise, curcumin
Best foods to kill EBV: wild blueberries, celery juice, sprouts, asparagus, spinach, cilantro, parsley, coconut oil, garlic, ginger, raspberries, lettuce, papayas, apricots, pomegranates, grapefruit, kale, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, fennel
Source: Medical Medium Life by Anthony William
2. Vaginal Area Shingles and Vaginal Shingles
Excerpt from Medical Medium by Anthony William (his first book): “Vaginal Area Shingles. Affecting only women, this strain causes a rash that appears outside by near the vagina- e.g. between the rectum and vagina, or on the lower buttocks, or inside the crotch area. This strain is especially notable because doctors often misdiagnose it as sexually transmitted herpes . . . creating unnecessary emotional pain for tens of thousands of women. The primary way to tell these illnesses apart is that this strain of the shingles virus causes substantial pain, while genital herpes—i.e., herpes simplex virus 2, or HSV-2—is typically less painful. Also, this shingles virus creates pustules that are relatively spread out in the genital area and/or lower buttocks, while HSV-2 pustules tend to cluster within a small area.” excerpt from Medical Medium by Anthony William (his first book)
“Shingles Neurotoxin. One of the misconceptions about shingles is that the virus is lurking directly under the skin rash. That’s never the case. The virus lies much deeper, positioning itself for the most effective inflammation possible of your nervous system. However, the virus releases a neurotoxin; and in these seven strains, the viral poison travels outward to your peripheral nerves and your skin. It’s this neurotoxin that causes the itchy, irritable red rashes and pustules for which shingles is famous. While these seven strains create nerve damage both on the skin and far below it that can be quite painful, they’re actually the mildest forms of shingles. If you have a strong immune system, and you do nothing to empower the virus, your body might drive out your shingles by itself.”” excerpt from Medical Medium by Anthony William
“Vaginal Shingles. This virus affects only women. It goes deep into the inner vaginal walls and inflames the nerves there. It also travels inside the bladder and rectum to wreak additional havoc, creating a burning so irritating it’s akin to torture. If a doctor doesn’t dismiss it as being “all in your head,” she or he will typically misdiagnose it once again as a hormonal imbalance and prescribe hormones to treat it. Since the shingles virus feeds on hormones, this makes an awful situation into a horrific one. Many women have truly suffered from this variety—and so far the medical industry has ignored it.” excerpt from Medical Medium by Anthony William
See section 6 where I got into burning vaginas in great detail. Section 4 might be helpful as well.
9B. Candida or Yeast Infections
According to AW, candida is actually a beneficial fungus your body creates to protect itself. Yeah. Crazy. Your body is working hard to starve the viruses in your system. When you eat foods or come into contact with lots of chemicals that these viruses thrive on (gluten, dairy, white sugar, eggs, soy, MSG, metals, contaminates, etc.), your body tries to eat the these foods before the viruses can get to them.... that's the yeast. It's protection. The yeast is not the problem, the viruses are the problem. Medical Medium which is the first book Anthony William wrote has a great chapter on candida. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/truth-about-your-candida
9C. Vaginal Discharge
If you have discharge I recommend that you also read section 9B (above) as well cause that cover yeast infections.
9F. Vaginal Strep
It would be good for you to also read section 9B, 9A and 9AA. 9B is about yeast infections. Even though you might not have a yeast infection it's a similar protocol because vaginal discharge is caused your body protecting you from strep.
Here's a great video on MM talking about burning skin. Basically pathogen plus toxins/metals/poisons. So focus on CJ and heavy metal detox smoothie to remove the toxins/metals to relieve burning sensations. Watch MM's tiktok video. Medical Medium (@medicalmedium) Official TikTok | Watch Medical Medium's Newest TikTok Videos
Best foods for shingles: wild blueberries, coconuts, papayas, red-skinned apples, pears, artichokes, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, asparagus, lettuce (leafy and deep green or red varieties), green beans, avocados, cranberries, cruciferous veggies (kale, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc), potatoes, aromatic herbs (thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano), cilantro, ginger, aloe vera, coconut water,
Best supplements/herbs for shingles: ALA, L-lysine, MSM, B12, licorice root, lemon balm, cat's claw, zinc, nettle leaf, chaga, (These are my favorites. He mentions a lot herbs supplements in the book)
Shingles Buster Juice: red apple, pear, ginger, and arugula (some people add both cucumber and parsley to that as well)
Best foods for shingles: wild blueberries, coconuts, papayas, red-skinned apples, pears, artichokes, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, asparagus, lettuce (leafy and deep green or red varieties), green beans, avocados, cranberries, cruciferous veggies (kale, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc), potatoes, aromatic herbs (thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano), cilantro, ginger, aloe vera, coconut water,
Best supplements/herbs for shingles: ALA, L-lysine, MSM, B12, licorice root, lemon balm, cat's claw, zinc, nettle leaf, chaga, (These are my favorites. He mentions a lot herbs supplements in the book)
Shingles Buster Juice: red apple, pear, ginger, and arugula (some people add both cucumber and parsley to that as well)
If it was me (and it was) this is what I would do.... lemon water (upon arising) then celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothies, MM fresh applesauce, steamed potatoes with side salad,
sweet potatoes bowls (see post 18), shingles buster juice after lunch... basically just incorporate as much shingles killing food from the list above in your day. Supplements: zinc, cat's claw, nettle, lysine, MSM. Tea concoction: licorice root, lemon balm, nettle leaf.
This information is also mentioned in this post and radio show http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/shingles-virus
3. Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Sclerosus is a condition that creates patchy, white skin that appears thinner than normal. It usually affects the genital and anal areas. The most symptoms include: itching, bleeding, dry spots, white spots, bruising/tearing, blistering, wrinkled patches, painful intercourse, thinning skin. The long term result of lichen can also result in loss of external genitals: narrowing of the opening of the urethra/vagina/anus, clitoris can become buried under its hood, labia minora appeared flattened, etc. Deep breaths loves! If the last paragraph punched you in the stomach please listen to Kathy's story of how she healed lichen Click here
Please listen to this podcast and read this post. Please educate yourself. Half the battle is just understanding the truth about what is happening in your body. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/010-neurological-symptoms-body-pain-dizziness-tingles/id1133835109?i=1000494403022
Blog Post: True Cause Of Neurological Symptoms (medicalmedium.com)
5. Vaginal Pain is caused by inflamed nerves (stated above). MM recommends specific things (dates and licorice root from his LCF book) to heal vaginal pain. Licorice root should be an herb that you pulse. Meaning, you should take it for two weeks, then take a two week break. When I had vaginal pain, dates and licorice root was just part of my protocol. I mostly just experienced pain during sex. If it was me I would keep to the MM basics: lemon water from a clean source (see post 14), CJ, HMDS, B12 (heals nerves), zinc (viral load), lysine, micro C, magnesium glycinate, low fat, off NO foods. Celery/cucumber/parsley juice. Tea concoction of lemon balm, licorice root, thyme. (Please also read section #4)
If it was me (and it was) this is what I did: the MM basics (see post 18). Especially CJ and heavy metal detox smoothie. Watch MM's tiktok video below. Removing toxins/metals is key. If you don't nail the basics I would honestly be surprised that targeting your symptoms with the things below would help much. I found if I drank celery juice in the morning and ate low fat mainly fruits/veggies in the mornings my pain relieving drinks (see below) would would better. I should have also been actively working on removing the metals in my intestinal tract.
My favorite burning pain relieving juices for inside of the vagina:
My favorite tea concoctions for internal vagina burn:
As for supplements: the MM basics B12 (especially cause it calms nerves), zinc (viral load), lysine (MM recommends specifically for burning pain), micro C, magnesium glycinate (helps calm nerves), propolis. MM has recently been highly recommending propolis for everything strep/EBV/shingles so if you are not quite sure WHAT pathogen you are dealing with then propolis is ideal. Just make sure you purchase the right brands. The first year I used MM information and bought whatever brands I found in the store. What an absolute waste of a year. Once I got the right brands, then my healing really started to make large leaps. Turns out the supplement/vitamin industry is full of crap. Sigh. Medical Medium: Supplements
Pau d'Arco Douche (vaginal itching and/or burning/candida) So in a Facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
MM recommends a bunch of things to remove metals in the intestinal tract in the MM revised book (page 222): HMDS, 2-3 apples per day, parsley (eaten with coconut water makes it super potent. Maybe try making a smoothie with other fruits), garlic, sage (3 medium leaves or 6 small leaves per day, l-glutamine, plantain leaf, lemon balm. *I've already heard back from one woman who noticed a big difference in her gut when she focused on apples and sage. (She was already dong CJ and HMDS)
I would also do these: celery/asparagus juice and/or asparagus for dinner every night, garlic/ginger/honey concoction (see post 18), eat a adrenal snack every 1/5 hours, nettle leaf and lemon balm. Sweet potato bowl daily (see post 18) Blend 8 cups of leafy greens and parsley and/or cilantro blended with fresh orange then strained through nutbag. (Side note: you'll notice that nettle leaf, licorice root, chaga, celery, all MM basics, cilantro, parlsey, asparagus, sweet potatoes are all star vagina healers. You'll see them recommended again and again on this page)
2. The second reason is metals. "These heavy metals often accumulate in your liver, gallbladder, intestines, and/or brain. Since heavy metals tend to be heavier than the water that's inside your digestive system and blood, they sink down and settle into the intestinal tract- just like gold settles at the bottom of a riverbed. Toxic heavy metals are poisonous, and if they begin to oxidize their chemical runoff will mutate and damage whatever cells are nearby. However, the biggest issues with heavy metals is that they're PRIME FOOD FOR BAD BACTERIA, VIRUSES, funguses, parasites, and worms. That means these metals are likely to attract and serve as a FEEDING GROUND for STREPTOCOCCUS, E.coli, and its many strains, C.difficile, H.pylori and especially viruses." (Medical Medium book, page 222)
sweet potatoes bowls (see post 18), shingles buster juice after lunch... basically just incorporate as much shingles killing food from the list above in your day. Supplements: zinc, cat's claw, nettle, lysine, MSM. Tea concoction: licorice root, lemon balm, nettle leaf.
This information is also mentioned in this post and radio show http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/shingles-virus
3. Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Sclerosus is a condition that creates patchy, white skin that appears thinner than normal. It usually affects the genital and anal areas. The most symptoms include: itching, bleeding, dry spots, white spots, bruising/tearing, blistering, wrinkled patches, painful intercourse, thinning skin. The long term result of lichen can also result in loss of external genitals: narrowing of the opening of the urethra/vagina/anus, clitoris can become buried under its hood, labia minora appeared flattened, etc. Deep breaths loves! If the last paragraph punched you in the stomach please listen to Kathy's story of how she healed lichen Click here
- According to Liver Rescue book (page 151) lichen results from a virus in the liver consuming copper, mercury, traces of inherited DDT. (In the lichen radio show he also states that lead is a big factor as well) The pathogen consumes the metal/toxin inside the liver and the resulting dermatoxin can go anywhere but tend to stay lower in the body because traces of DDT in the dermatoxin tend to pull them downward and they settle in the lymphatic system. Often confused with eczema this condition is different because in lichen the skin become fragile. Sometimes it's confused with dermatitis especially in the beginning.
- If it was me I would use this protocol to heal zoon vulvitis, plasma cell vulvitis or other idiopathic weird rashes on the vulva. Why? Cause the doctors are not sure what they are looking for exactly. Lichen usually is identified by white patches or scar tissue/thnning skin. Most skin abnormalities like lichen, eczema, psioriasis etc. are caused by dermatoxins created when viruses consumes metals/toxins. Dermatoxins are basically virus poop which head straight to the skin and make it dysfunctional. MM argues in the lichen show that if the skin abnormality has more blisters then combination has more shingles (43 min) Docs don't realize but lichen has a bit of eczema (half copper/half mercury) attached to it and a little bit of psoriasis (three quarters copper, 1 quarter mercury, 1 quarter mercury with virus) attached to it (46 min in the radio show). Lead is the metal that causes the scar tissue and can produce white spots and sometimes it doesn't create white spots at all. If you look at most idiopathic rashes per LR book... they are cause by weird metal/virus combinations. Rosacea (mercury/usually EBV), lupus (mercury/usually EBV), age spots, etc. (LR book page 151) Some idiopathic (unknown) skin issues can be all shingles (pustules) but many and most skin idiopathic vulva skin issues I have deduced are caused by virus plus metal/toxin. These toxins and pathogens are just not on your doctor's radar. If it was me I do the lichen protocol cause it specializes in healing dermatoxins that tend to sink to the genital area. Inherited DDT weighs down the dermatoxin and makes it sink in the body.
- In 2022, MM published a new short post about lichen.
- Here is a wonderful file which summarizes MM information about lichen by Kathy Catlin - MM Practitioner. (See post 7 for her coaching information) She did a webinar awhile back and gave us the permission to share this summary. Lichen Sclerosus by Kathy Catlin
- Kathy was also interviewed in a podcast where she goes into detail about her healing journey. Click here
- Anthony William dedicated an entire radio show to the condition and he also has a section in it in his Liver Rescue book.
- A member of Vulva Warriors (group on Facebook) posted the following about lichen and acne:
- "This isn’t really new info but I hopped on Anthony’s live on Tiktok since there were only a hundred or so people on there. Anyway, I said “Best foods for Lichen sclerosus and acne?” He answered me immediately and said:
- Licorice root
- Cilantro
- Banana
- Papaya
- Cranberries (strep) Cranberry Water (medicalmedium.com)
- Wild Blueberries
- Lemon water
- I haven’t taken licorice root in a while so I was thinking of starting it again. It’s so cool that he answers our questions right?!"
- According to Cleanse to Heal book MM recommends the following for lichen, eczema, dermatitis, etc: celery juice, celeryforce, 5MTHF, aloe vera, barley juice grass powder, cats claw, chaga, curcumin, EPA/DHA, lemon balm, licorice root, llysine, mullein leaf, nettle leaf, selenium, spirulina, vitamin B12, micro C, zinc (see book for dosages)
- According to Life Changing Foods: avocados, sweet potatoes
- According to MM lichen radio show: heavy metal detox smoothie (remove metals so pathogens can't feed on them), lots of wild blueberries, goldenseal (two week on, two weeks off), mullein leaf, ashwaghanda, MSM, L-lysine, tumeric, curcumin, propolis (per FB show 2022), papaya, mangoes (anything with lots of colors cause higher antioxidants), oranges, spinach, no NO foods, B12, MM fresh aloe vera water.
- According to Life Changing Foods these foods heal inherited DDT (you can assume you have DDT cause they tend to sink the dermatoxins in your system which is why they end up the in genital area): apricots, grapes, melons (drives out DDT), pears, pomegranates, asparagus, cucumbers, onions, parsley (anti-DDT weapon), atlantic sea vegetables, dandelion, red clover, rosehips.
- If it was me, this is what I would do: upon arising (lemon water to clean out the liver, see post 14 for clean water), celery juice (lower inflammation, destroys virus membranes, helps to detox toxins/metals), melon slushies (see post 18), heavy metal detox smoothie (required), apple (pectin helps gather the dislodges toxins and expel them). During the day I would focus on papaya, mangoes, oranges, leafy greens especially spinach. Juice: orange, spinach, flat parsley, coconut water. Potatoes have lots of lysine and sweet potatoes bowls (see post 18). Aloe vera water. Wild blueberry juice. Zinc, b12, lysine, goldenseal, cats claw, chaga, curcumin, MSM, propolis, micro C. Little avocado. Tea concoction of nettle, licorice, lemon balm, mullein or the tea below:
- MM recommends the Anti-Pesticide Tea in the Medical Medium book. Kathy, our coach who specializes in lichen swears by this tea. I'm guessing it was effective for her cause it specifically targets pesticides (DDT tends to sink the dermatoxins in the body)
- Equal parts Burdock Root, Red Clover, Lemon Verbena, & Ginger. 1 tsp for 1 cup water, steep and enjoy! Drink 3x per week for a month and ease up to 1 cup per week for two months. As time goes on, let your intuition be your guide
- Please listen to Kathy's story of how she healed lichen, Click here. Here is also a wonderful file which summarizes MM information about lichen by Kathy Catlin. She did a webinar awhile back and gave us the permission to share this summary, Lichen Sclerosus.
- On December 9, 2022 a "Group Member" asked for information about lichen and fusing. Tammy commented, "Mine just gradually unfused as I continued my MM journey." Someone asked what she did and she responded, "IN a nutshell, anti-viral and HMDS." I asked her to elaborate and she responded, "I still have challenges "down there" but no more fusing. The fusing lasted about 3-4 months and I know some people have it for much longer so I don't know if my case is typical? I really don't think I would have anything special to add to your already awesome collection of information!" Mic drop. Hehe.
- On February 24, 2025 a FB member asked about lichen. Augustina commented "I have been symptom free with lichen sclerosis for over 3.5 years thanks to MM information and just by sharing this info I have helped other women too. It is possible to heal. I had symptoms since I was a teenager and started applying the protocols when I was 38, so if I could do it you can too. I removed all the no foods and I have been fat free for almost 4 years. This is what worked for me after decades of trying to find answers... I haven't eaten meat in over 4 years. Our brains don't need fat in meat. Every fruit and vegetable has micro fat in it that is bioavailable and usable for our brain and body. I recommend reading cleanse to heal and brain saver. You'll find a lot of answers there!... I had my first white spots at the age of 15 and my gynecologist thought it was vitiligo. When I was 18 or 19 I had my first flare with itching and lesions. I spent years going to different gynecologists and the only answer was that it was probably fungus. After decades of flares, unbearable night itching, tons of lesions and scars and sometimes even not being able to get intimate with my life partner I was finally diagnosed at 38 through biopsy with lichen sclerosis atrophic (not sure that's the proper translation). Steroid creams never worked so I stopped using them a few years back. After the biopsy i started the protocols as I mentioned earlier and months later, I was so focused on my bloating and my never ending digestive issues that I didn't realize my itching was gone. My skin went back to normal and it's hard to find any trace of atrophy now. it took me a while to share my story. I realize I haven't really talked about it during all these years with many people so it wasn't easy, but after a while I decided to share my story. I'm a native Spanish speaker so I wanted to bring MM info to the Spanish community. I sent the first MM book in pdf to many women that I met through a lichen Facebook group. Some of them resonated with the information and wrote to me months later saying that their symptoms were gone or a lot better.I also shared my whole story on a YouTube video. We have a YouTube channel with other 3 MM practitioners from Spain where we share MM info. My video is specifically on lichen sclerosis but is in Spanish. I don't have a blog but I can share the link to the video and my website if that's ok. Here's the link to the YouTube videohttps://youtu.be/i1UZeZwhRCw?si=ECT04r5cYahsncNi (to read the video in English just click on the three dots and then captions)My website is www.agustinasosa.com and I'm a health coach applying MM so I help women overcome lichen too."
There are so many conditions that are caused by inflamed nerves, especially for those who are struggling with chronic vaginal ailments. These nerves don't go crazy for no reason. If physical injury has not occurred, the nerves are inflamed by one or more than 60 varieties of EBV, 30 varieties of shingles or herpes simplex 1 or 2. These viruses feed on mercury and other toxins inside your body, releasing neurotoxins (basically virus poop) which inflame nerves.
So neurotoxins can settle in different places in the body depending on what those neurotoxins are filled with (MM blog on Restless Leg Syndrome). Higher amounts of lead and copper being consumed by shingles will result in heavier neurotoxins that tend to settle lower in the body due to their weight. "They'll often drop to the lower back, legs and feet, irritating the nerve" EBV can also create these heavier types of neurotoxins. (MM blog on RLS) and I personally think they can settle right down into the vaginal and vulva creating havoc. I've healed this ailment so it's personal to me.
So neurotoxins can settle in different places in the body depending on what those neurotoxins are filled with (MM blog on Restless Leg Syndrome). Higher amounts of lead and copper being consumed by shingles will result in heavier neurotoxins that tend to settle lower in the body due to their weight. "They'll often drop to the lower back, legs and feet, irritating the nerve" EBV can also create these heavier types of neurotoxins. (MM blog on RLS) and I personally think they can settle right down into the vaginal and vulva creating havoc. I've healed this ailment so it's personal to me.
Inflamed nerves cause a bunch of issues but within the chronic vaginal pain world these are the main ones I see over and over again in other women:
- muscle pain
- tingles
- numbness
- nerve pain
- neuropathy
- burning skin
- burning vagina (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- vaginal pain (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- bladder spasms & twitching (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- groin pain (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- itchy/itching skin (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- urinary/bladder - feels like you have to feel all the time (pudendal nerve inflammation)
- Neuroproliferative vulvodynia - pain/burning of the vestibule (the entrance) of the vagina. MM did not state this in the show but I used his information to heal from this condition. If your doctor has labeled your case "congenital" (your born with it) or "acquired" (develops over time) just ignore this line of bullshit. They don't know what's going on. Remember they don't have the capability to test for these viruses or metals/toxins yet so they're just throwing out labels in the dark.
MM Recommendations to heal nerve inflammation from the neurological podcast: B12 (I would take it morning and night), heavy metal detox smoothie, celery juice (16 ounces minimum. I would increase to 24 or even 32 or drink it twice a day till things calm down), asparagus, cilantro, wild blueberries, lemon balm, licorice root, 5MTHF, magnesium glycinate (make sure to get MM approved brands cause the supplemental industry is full of crap), coconut water (make sure it's fresh and not pink, thyme water Thyme Tea (medicalmedium.com).
MM recommendations to heal nerve pain from Life Changing Foods book: all berries, artichokes, cucumbers, onions, sprouts, coconut water, rosehips, honey, garlic, licorice root, parsley, dulse, chaga, rosemary, sage, thyme oregano.
MM shock therapies for nerve inflammation from Brain Saver Protocols: B12 shock therapy, zinc shock therapy, propolis shock therapy, nerve shifter shock therapy, california poppy shock therapy (If it was me I would do.... B12, zinc, propolis, nerve shock therapies. Probably focusing on 2 a time)
If it was me... I would be doing the following. First the basics: B12, celery juice, heavy metal detox followed by coconut water (see post 23 for essential tips when healing vaginas and detoxing). These ailments are caused by viruses consuming metals/toxins so it's important to remove them. Remove the NO foods for now. Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness (medicalmedium.com) Eat no fat till noon or later. Meals contain mostly fruits and veggies. Afternoon green juice of celery, cucumber, cilantro and/or parsley, little lemon juice or the nerve shifter shock therapy, above. Another juice to try is celery juice blended with papaya cause papaya heals burning sensations. Another woman said MM's recommendation of lots of radishes really helped her vaginal burning. Tea concoction of lemon balm, licorice root, nettle leaf. Cat's claw tincture (heals burning sensations) or goldenseal tincture. Aloe Vera water. Essential supplements: B12 (morning night), Lysine taken with micro C, increase magnesium glycinate, curcumin, zinc.
MM recommendations to heal nerve pain from Life Changing Foods book: all berries, artichokes, cucumbers, onions, sprouts, coconut water, rosehips, honey, garlic, licorice root, parsley, dulse, chaga, rosemary, sage, thyme oregano.
MM shock therapies for nerve inflammation from Brain Saver Protocols: B12 shock therapy, zinc shock therapy, propolis shock therapy, nerve shifter shock therapy, california poppy shock therapy (If it was me I would do.... B12, zinc, propolis, nerve shock therapies. Probably focusing on 2 a time)
If it was me... I would be doing the following. First the basics: B12, celery juice, heavy metal detox followed by coconut water (see post 23 for essential tips when healing vaginas and detoxing). These ailments are caused by viruses consuming metals/toxins so it's important to remove them. Remove the NO foods for now. Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness (medicalmedium.com) Eat no fat till noon or later. Meals contain mostly fruits and veggies. Afternoon green juice of celery, cucumber, cilantro and/or parsley, little lemon juice or the nerve shifter shock therapy, above. Another juice to try is celery juice blended with papaya cause papaya heals burning sensations. Another woman said MM's recommendation of lots of radishes really helped her vaginal burning. Tea concoction of lemon balm, licorice root, nettle leaf. Cat's claw tincture (heals burning sensations) or goldenseal tincture. Aloe Vera water. Essential supplements: B12 (morning night), Lysine taken with micro C, increase magnesium glycinate, curcumin, zinc.
Please listen to this podcast and read this post. Please educate yourself. Half the battle is just understanding the truth about what is happening in your body. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/010-neurological-symptoms-body-pain-dizziness-tingles/id1133835109?i=1000494403022
Blog Post: True Cause Of Neurological Symptoms (medicalmedium.com)
He also has a great section on inflamed nerves in his Cleanse to Heal book, page 533. He recommends many of the things above plus more.
Here's a great video on MM talking about burning skin. Basically pathogens plus toxins/metals/poisons. So focus on CJ and heavy metal detox smoothie to remove the toxins/metals. Watch MM's tiktok video. Medical Medium (@medicalmedium) Official TikTok | Watch Medical Medium's Newest TikTok Videos
5. Vaginal Pain is caused by inflamed nerves (stated above). MM recommends specific things (dates and licorice root from his LCF book) to heal vaginal pain. Licorice root should be an herb that you pulse. Meaning, you should take it for two weeks, then take a two week break. When I had vaginal pain, dates and licorice root was just part of my protocol. I mostly just experienced pain during sex. If it was me I would keep to the MM basics: lemon water from a clean source (see post 14), CJ, HMDS, B12 (heals nerves), zinc (viral load), lysine, micro C, magnesium glycinate, low fat, off NO foods. Celery/cucumber/parsley juice. Tea concoction of lemon balm, licorice root, thyme. (Please also read section #4)
- Success Story by She-Ra on Vulva Warriors MM: "The pain / burning was in the like bottom inside on all sides of the vaginal opening .. coupled with strong itching in the vaginal opening .. and also .. clitoris .. and possibly the labia. For sure inside the vaginal opening, and the clitoris too. I immediately ate some aloe, as well as put a slice directly into my vaginal opening / clitoris. So yeah .. the shower .. and then the aloe took the pain/burning/itching Instantly and COMPLETELY away for me. - still shocked / blown away. Haha! I’m pretty sure as far as the ailment that Shingles may have been behind this unkind flare today ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕 Thank you all for your kind and loving support!!!!!" *She posted this comment under her post on June 25, 2022. She requested to be anonymous on our blog so I nick-named her She-Ra ;)
- Other Success Stories: Christy's story on post 10 and 17, JJK Tree's story on post 10, my story on post 3, Chihling's story on post 10, Alex's story on post 10
6. Vulva/Vaginal Burning/Pain is most likely caused by neurotoxins inflaming the nerves. Neurotoxins are viral poop. When viruses (most likely culprits: EBV or shingles) consume metals/toxins the process creates neurotoxins, this toxic gas inflames the nerves. MM recently released this tiktok video explaining that burning conditions are caused by pathogens plus toxins/metals/poisons inflaming the nerves. So assume it's all involved. Now these metals/toxins can be inside the reproductive system (cherry specializes in removing these toxins the reproductive system) but metals also tend to sink down and end up in the intestinal tract as well. I'm guessing since that the intestinal tract is scrunched up next to all the reproductive organs, much of the neurotoxin gas is created there. (See section and 9AA)
Extreme vaginal burning/pain might be vaginal shingles (see section 3): My burning was extremely painful (think screaming like a banshee in a hospital painful... I scared the shit out of a bunch of doctors many times). MM describes this type of shingles as torture and I have to agree. If this is you, it's probably safe to assume you are dealing with vaginal shingles. Section 3 is just on shingles and vaginal shingles. Read over those recommendations and you'll see many/most of these suggestion heal shingles too.
Extreme vaginal burning/pain might be vaginal shingles (see section 3): My burning was extremely painful (think screaming like a banshee in a hospital painful... I scared the shit out of a bunch of doctors many times). MM describes this type of shingles as torture and I have to agree. If this is you, it's probably safe to assume you are dealing with vaginal shingles. Section 3 is just on shingles and vaginal shingles. Read over those recommendations and you'll see many/most of these suggestion heal shingles too.
MM recommends specific things to heal vaginal burning: raspberry leaf, licorice root, nettle leaf (LCF book)
He also recommends specific things for burning skin sensations: cat's claw, papaya and radishes (LCF book)
He also recommends specific things for burning skin sensations: cat's claw, papaya and radishes (LCF book)
If it was me (and it was) this is what I did: the MM basics (see post 18). Especially CJ and heavy metal detox smoothie. Watch MM's tiktok video below. Removing toxins/metals is key. If you don't nail the basics I would honestly be surprised that targeting your symptoms with the things below would help much. I found if I drank celery juice in the morning and ate low fat mainly fruits/veggies in the mornings my pain relieving drinks (see below) would would better. I should have also been actively working on removing the metals in my intestinal tract.
My favorite burning pain relieving juices for inside of the vagina:
- Celery/cucumber/parsley juice with a little lemon juice
- Celery/cucumber/cilantro juice with a little lemon juice
- Celery/parsley or cilantro juice blended with papaya with a little lemon juice
- Celery/asparagus/cilantro or parsley with a little lemon juice (super gross but asparagus also heals 'lack of motivation' so this one helps you get things done! Seriously. Once after I drank this one, I got into a super cleaning mode and you could lick my kitchen floor after ;)
My favorite tea concoctions for internal vagina burn:
- Raspberry leaf, licorice root, nettle leaf. (licorice root you should pulse, two weeks on two weeks off) I like to work with loose leaf tea because I would use A LOT of tea to make one large brew then drink throughout the day. (see post 8)
- Another one that is really great it chaga, licorice and cats claw warm tea with raw honey. Crazy story. We were traveling in Europe and my daughter got strep throat. Around the same time I started breaking out with HUGE zits (strep causes acne). It was so embarrassing. Then my vagina started burning. Fuck. I contracted a new strain of strep. I had nothing. No access to green drinks or good water or any of my normal stuff. I did have chaga, licorice and cat's claw powder on me. So I made warm tea (not hot so the honey would keep its healing properties). That drink calmed down the vaginal burn in about 30 minutes. Why? Chaga heals shingles, nerve pain, yeast infections, lichen (vulva rashes), edema (swelling), strep in the lower intestine. Cat's claw is the TOP strep killer and kills all these pathogens honestly (probably along with goldenseal). Licorice heals nerve pain, vaginal burning, shingles. Listen to the podcast on honey, it's wild. Basically it's concentrated plant medicine that the bees collect from surrounding plants. Just FYI... it's recommended to pulse goldenseal and licorice (two weeks on, two weeks off).
As for supplements: the MM basics B12 (especially cause it calms nerves), zinc (viral load), lysine (MM recommends specifically for burning pain), micro C, magnesium glycinate (helps calm nerves), propolis. MM has recently been highly recommending propolis for everything strep/EBV/shingles so if you are not quite sure WHAT pathogen you are dealing with then propolis is ideal. Just make sure you purchase the right brands. The first year I used MM information and bought whatever brands I found in the store. What an absolute waste of a year. Once I got the right brands, then my healing really started to make large leaps. Turns out the supplement/vitamin industry is full of crap. Sigh. Medical Medium: Supplements
Pau d'Arco Douche (vaginal itching and/or burning/candida) So in a Facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching and burning. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
- If you try this please let me know. I like to add real stories to these recommendations.
- Sarah mentioned Petal Soother on Alicia's October 6, 2022 post "Living libations petal soother is the best thing topically for me. It is minty so if your sensitive you can dilute it. I think they have one that is non mint as well. That and chilling with ice pack on your yoni."
- Just FYI... MM has not recommended this product but he has recommended other Living Libation products (usually for dental issues).
- If you try this please let me know. I like to add real stories to these recommendations.
- Personally, I took nettle leaf tea bags, soaked them in a little warm water and put them straight on the vulva. This DID calm down the itch nicely. I was also drinking celery/cucumber/parsley/lemon juice too.
MM recommends a bunch of things to remove metals in the intestinal tract in the MM revised book (page 222): HMDS, 2-3 apples per day, parsley (eaten with coconut water makes it super potent. Maybe try making a smoothie with other fruits), garlic, sage (3 medium leaves or 6 small leaves per day, l-glutamine, plantain leaf, lemon balm. *I've already heard back from one woman who noticed a big difference in her gut when she focused on apples and sage. (She was already dong CJ and HMDS)
- Success Stories: See She-Ra's story in section 5 (above), my story on blog post 3, Christie's story on blog post 10 and 17, Allison's story on post 10, Kathy's story on post 10, Kelly's story on post 10
- Success Story from Vulva Warriors Medical Medium (our Facebook group): "I just wanted to post on here about how my vaginal burning and itching has been SO MUCH BETTER!!! I did the 369 simplified cleanse about 2 weeks ago and it flared a little while cleansing but not anymore! I’ve kept out the “troublemakers” since and also follow the heavy metal detox cleanse everyday. It’s such a relief. Thank you all so much for all of your help and support ❤️❤️❤️" - this statement was posted by Kelly on July 7, 2022. Kelly posted again on October 20, 2022 "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I just finished another simplified 369 cleanse and I have to say my vagina IS SO HAPPY!!!! I’ve suffered with itching, redness, burning and discharge on and off for the past few years and this is always such a relief. Just wanted to put it out there for any new members looking for answers. There is hope! Also I’ve recently started taking goldenseal and oil of oregano capsules which I feel like have helped quite a bit as well
- Success Story, I posted this on Vulva Warrior Group October 31, 2022
- Short Story: To calm down a burning vaginal/vulva mix chaga/cat's claw/licorice powder in a cup of hot water. Once it's cooled down to a warm temperature then add raw honey. (Important note: if you are trying to get pregnant cat's claw is the one herb that MM recommends NOT ingesting while trying to conceive. Also, licorice root should be taken two weeks on, two weeks off)
- Long Story (learning new lessons about strep):
- Ok... so if you don't know my history, here's a quick summary I had vulvdoynia for too many years (post 3 of my blog) and it was extremely painful. I used MM info to heal it 6 or so years ago. My vagina has been pain/burn free most of the time since then. I've had a few setbacks since then... vulva itching after food poisoning, vaginal burning after living in local forest fire smoke while I was pregnant, etc. I've been able to heal each of those setbacks pretty quickly and somewhat simply.
- Here's a new one. We are from California but we are living in Ireland. We decided to take the children on a trip to Holland and Belgium. The week prior my toddler poured BOTH bottles of zinc down the sink for fun. Ugh. Toddlers are the worst. So I brought the supplements I could. It was a great trip but 3 days into the trip my skin broke out horribly! It was so embarrassing. Then by the third day my daughter got a fever and eye infection. Then my vulva started burning which was bizarre. Then my daughter got diagnosed with strep throat. Acne, eye infections and strep throat are can all be caused by strep per MM. Ugh! My guess is that we CAUGHT A NEW HORRIBLE STREP STRAIN. (Turns out her ENTIRE preschool class got strep throat)
- So we were in Belgium and I had NO access to CJ, HMDS, zinc, etc. I made an eye wash for my daughter with goldenseal that I brought from home and water which worked really well.
- I also just threw together a tea for myself to calm down the vaginal burning from the powders that I brought: licorice root, chaga and cat's claw and raw honey. I made sure the water cooled down some and wasn't super-hot so it wouldn't destroy the honey. It worked! By that point my vulva had been burning for a few hours and it calmed it down in about 20 or so minutes after the tea. Wild. The only things that have calmed down a flare that fast for me were certain green juices (see post 18).
- Why? Chaga specializes in healing EBV, VAGINAL STREP, shingles, strep in intestinal tract, general inflammation, neurological symptoms (including burning, tingles, numbness, nerve pain, etc.), swelling, body stiffness (which is important cause the vaginal muscles tend to tense up because of pain). Cat's claw specializes in healing STREP, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), acne, EBV, chlamydia, yeast infections, strep in intestinal tract, inflammation, BURNING SENSATIONS, rashes, moving body pain, neurological (tingles, numbness), candida, muscle tightness. Licorice root specializes in healing EBV, UTIs, shingles, body pains, nerve pain, VAGINAL PAIN, PELVIC PAIN, VAGINAL BURNING, loss libido (cause it heals adrenals). Honey specializes in healing strep in intestinal tract, low reproductive system battery, BACTERIAL INFECTIONS IN THE GUT (see post 3, section 9a on my blog which explains why this is so important for vaginal health), neurological symptoms (tingles, spasms, burning is neurological, nerve pain, etc).
- Pre-healing I ran from doctor to doctor for years finding no hope of any sort of pain reduction in sight. Those years were one long painful fearful nightmare. Now when I run into a new strain of strep... I can recognize it quickly and create concoctions/teas/drinks that TARGET my ailment cause I know what's going on. This is key. Then I fix it. There's frustration yes, but nothing like the emotional rollercoaster of those younger years.
- Woot woot!
7. Vaginal Dryness & Low Libido
According to Anthony William in his first book titled Medical Medium, vaginal dryness is caused by adrenal fatigue. So you'll need to work on your adrenals. The basic tenet is to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.
Best herbs to heal adrenal fatigue: *licorice root, *nettle leaf, *chaga with honey, red clover, rose hips, lemon balm, burdock, ginger (I added a * next to my favorites when I healed my adrenals)
According to Anthony William in his first book titled Medical Medium, vaginal dryness is caused by adrenal fatigue. So you'll need to work on your adrenals. The basic tenet is to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.
Best herbs to heal adrenal fatigue: *licorice root, *nettle leaf, *chaga with honey, red clover, rose hips, lemon balm, burdock, ginger (I added a * next to my favorites when I healed my adrenals)
Best foods to heal adrenal fatigue: apples, avocados, bananas, berries, wild blueberries, cherries, dates, kiwis, lemons & limes, mangoes, oranges and tangerines, pomegranates, artichokes, asparagus, celery, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers, leafy greens, sprouts, sweet potatoes, cilantro, garlic ginger, parsley, raw honey
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Best supplements (see Cleanse to Heal book for dosages. This is important cause we have learned some supplements don't make much of a difference till you take a higher dosage) celery force, amla berry, ashwagandha, b-complex, chicory root, hibiscus, lemon balm, licorice root, magnesium glycinate, nettle leaf, schisandra berry, spirulina, B12, micro-C, zinc.
If it was me this is what I would: MM basics (off the NO foods, lemon water 3x a day, celery juice upon waking, HMDS, zinc, b12, micro C). My main pillars would be chaga with honey 2x a day: in the morning and before bed. Now MM recommends taking magnesium with licorice root which helps heal the adrenals faster. I did this with chaga and I SWEAR it gave a HUGE boost to my adrenals over night. Now licorice is the top herb along with parsley to heal adrenals, so keep those going too.
If it was me this is what I would: MM basics (off the NO foods, lemon water 3x a day, celery juice upon waking, HMDS, zinc, b12, micro C). My main pillars would be chaga with honey 2x a day: in the morning and before bed. Now MM recommends taking magnesium with licorice root which helps heal the adrenals faster. I did this with chaga and I SWEAR it gave a HUGE boost to my adrenals over night. Now licorice is the top herb along with parsley to heal adrenals, so keep those going too.
I would also do these: celery/asparagus juice and/or asparagus for dinner every night, garlic/ginger/honey concoction (see post 18), eat a adrenal snack every 1/5 hours, nettle leaf and lemon balm. Sweet potato bowl daily (see post 18) Blend 8 cups of leafy greens and parsley and/or cilantro blended with fresh orange then strained through nutbag. (Side note: you'll notice that nettle leaf, licorice root, chaga, celery, all MM basics, cilantro, parlsey, asparagus, sweet potatoes are all star vagina healers. You'll see them recommended again and again on this page)
In our Facebook group (see the link above) Crystal commented on a post by a "Group Member" dated around February 6, 2023: "For temporary relief, I rub my vaginal area with some oil that is ok for the skin. It just helps it stay moist and less friction down there. It doesn't cure it. It is just for relief." So I asked what oil she used and she responded, "I use pomegranate oil. But I have used almond oil and avocado oil as well. Both of those work. I break out in rashes with coconut oil, so I can't use coconut oil. But other people might find it ok. I have never tried it though. Sunflower oil would be ok. I wouldn't use olive oil because olive oil is diluted with canola a lot in the industry, and they don't disclose it. Plus olive oil has a smell that might not be great to have on your lady parts."
In our Facebook group (see the link above) Crystal commented on a post by a "Group Member" dated around February 6, 2023: "For temporary relief, I rub my vaginal area with some oil that is ok for the skin. It just helps it stay moist and less friction down there. It doesn't cure it. It is just for relief." So I asked what oil she used and she responded, "I use pomegranate oil. But I have used almond oil and avocado oil as well. Both of those work. I break out in rashes with coconut oil, so I can't use coconut oil. But other people might find it ok. I have never tried it though. Sunflower oil would be ok. I wouldn't use olive oil because olive oil is diluted with canola a lot in the industry, and they don't disclose it. Plus olive oil has a smell that might not be great to have on your lady parts."
SUCCESS STORY for Low Libido and Vaginal Dryness
In our Facebook group (see the link above) Kelly posted on February 8, 2023: "After almost 4 years following MM I finally have a very strong and CONSISTENT libido!!! Woot!! Yay for my hubby! lol. 43 yrs old. Now if I could just get rid of my numbness down there I will be golden 🙌 don’t give up ladies!! Keep going!!!" Then she's adds in a comment below "in the beginning my adrenals were just burnt up crispy little things I imagine. I HAD to do adrenal snacks for my first 6 months of healing just to FUNCTION at all. I was able to slowly take the pressure off of myself for those as I started to heal. I have not had a libido for many many years (also been dealing with vag shingles, strep, ebv symptoms for 4 yrs but those have been slowly healing too). I would say the main adrenal supps that helped me the most have been licorice root, ashwaghanda & celery force. I would get a libido every once in a while but now it seems to be sticking around and it’s very strong. Totally soaking this up." Then she adds, "Also amla Berry."
When I asked if she also experienced vaginal dryness she responded, "yes totally had vag dryness and that has healed as well. So exciting! Yes you can add my comment and use my first name. I’ll be back when I eventually heal my numbness. It really is one step at a time."
In our Facebook group (see the link above) Kelly posted on February 8, 2023: "After almost 4 years following MM I finally have a very strong and CONSISTENT libido!!! Woot!! Yay for my hubby! lol. 43 yrs old. Now if I could just get rid of my numbness down there I will be golden 🙌 don’t give up ladies!! Keep going!!!" Then she's adds in a comment below "in the beginning my adrenals were just burnt up crispy little things I imagine. I HAD to do adrenal snacks for my first 6 months of healing just to FUNCTION at all. I was able to slowly take the pressure off of myself for those as I started to heal. I have not had a libido for many many years (also been dealing with vag shingles, strep, ebv symptoms for 4 yrs but those have been slowly healing too). I would say the main adrenal supps that helped me the most have been licorice root, ashwaghanda & celery force. I would get a libido every once in a while but now it seems to be sticking around and it’s very strong. Totally soaking this up." Then she adds, "Also amla Berry."
When I asked if she also experienced vaginal dryness she responded, "yes totally had vag dryness and that has healed as well. So exciting! Yes you can add my comment and use my first name. I’ll be back when I eventually heal my numbness. It really is one step at a time."
8. Dirty Blood Syndrome
8A. Dirty Blood Syndrome & Vaginal IssuesAnthony Williams explains that 'Dirty Blood Syndrome' happens when "a lack of proper daily hydration from the right liquids combined with a diet too high in fat/protein over the years and a toxic, stagnant, sluggish liver leading to chronic dehydration that causes the blood to thicken." (Cleanse to Heal, page 448) The liver can also become stagnant and sluggish by the viral load in your body. In his explanation for 'Dry, Cracked Skin' he gives a similar explanation, caused by 'an overburdened, stagnant, sluggish liver filled with toxins such as toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and petrochemicals causing thickened, dehydrated blood. Often triggered by years of a high-fat/high-protein diet and lo-grade viral infection." (CTH, page 509) Basically, when our liver is too sick to filter our blood then our blood becomes making the skin dysfunctional.
Other useful links: Dirty Blood Syndrome (medicalmedium.com) and Medical Medium: Is Your Blood Toxic?
Other useful links: Dirty Blood Syndrome (medicalmedium.com) and Medical Medium: Is Your Blood Toxic?
8B. Dry, Cracked Skin/Microcuts/Fissures
I was sick for a long time. I had all sorts of different issues at different times. One of those were microcuts/fissures. For me, they felt like small paper cuts around the entrance of the vagina or in random areas in the inner and outer labia. While I healed these disappeared as well. Anthony William has NOT mentioned 'vaginal fissures or microcuts' but I'm GUESSING that we can deduce it's caused by 'Dirty Blood Syndrome.' I would first try the things AW recommends for dry skin and toxic blood. There were times that my vagina was wet but the skin on the outside was dry and cracked. Ugh. This is different than vaginal dryness.
- In Life Changing Foods book he recommends the following for dry skin (I'm assuming these would help with microcuts): Cucumbers (cucumber juice would be great), leafy greens, onions (raw onion in steamed potato 3x a day), raw honey 3x a day at least, red clover, rosehips, lots of lemon water
- In the Cleanse to Heal book he has a long list of supplements to heal 'Dry, Cracked Skin.' Please note that this assumes you are doing the cleanse or at least doing a morning cleanse (lemon water, celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie and no fat till noon). Supplements are great but they are just supplemental to food. These supplements honestly won't make much of a difference unless you are focused on food. These are some of favorites from that long list: celery juice (16 ounces then build up to 32), aloe vera water (fresh), barley juice grass 2t daily, burdock root, curcumin 2 capsules twice day, lemon balm 2 droppers twice daily, lysine 2 500mg, magnesium, nettleleaf 2 droppers daily, spirulina 2 teaspoon, B12, vitamin C, wild blueberries, zinc. (Don't assume you need to be on all these. You definitely need to be on celery juice, lemon water, heavy metal detox smoothie, no fat till noon.
- If you are eating super clean dry skin might also be a sign of detox. (CTH book page 251) basically states that as "toxins exit the liver sometimes they don't leave the bloodstream fast enough and some of these toxins enter the derma and try to leave through the skin. That is, there are individuals who were heading fro dry skin without realizing it"
- Read the section below as well which includes lots of links to more information about this type of protocol to heal toxic blood.
- Dermatoxins. The Eczema and Psoriasis chapter in Liver Rescue is an important one to read. It explains dermatoxins at length. These dermatoxins are produced by viruses consuming a poison in the liver (a metal usually) and they emerge from the skin in cycles and are weeks in the making.
- These dermatoxins are highly inflammatory toxins released from the liver that only come out through the skin and damage the derma. The skin breaks and bleeds as it tries to eliminate the toxins.
- Cleansing can help this process move faster, but the result can be overwhelming if done incorrectly.
- In his blog post about about eczema, psoriasis, rosacea he mentions that “there are a specific group of toxins that are not known to conventional or alternative medicine and won’t be singled out for another 30 years or more, which will then be called dermatoxins.
- Dermatoxins are basically the excrement that a pathogen creates after eating certain toxins. They are pathogen poop. Eek. Then while you heal one batch up dermatoxins there's a whole other batch brewing in your liver which is why is such an infuriating process. These cycles usually run around 6 weeks long, FYI.
- Combine dermatoxins emerging from the skin with neurotoxins which inflame the nerves (itching, burning, etc) can make the whole experience excruciating.
- Vaginal dermatitis is also caused by EBV and metals/toxins
- Classic Dermatitis (medicalmedium.com)
- MM has an entire section on dermatitis in Cleanse to Heal that lists recommended supplements. (I'm hoping to update this section shortly)
- Rawness is a name that our community calls the feeling/ailment when the vulva feels like someone has vigorously rubbed sandpaper against it. Yeah, this one sucks. MM hasn't described this specifically but we think it's cause is similar to eczema or dermatitis.
- How to heal:
- The answer is committing to starving pathogens (staying off no foods), flushing metals and toxins (LW, CJ, HMDS), and lightening the liver's load (lower fat, Morning Cleanse). Fruits, vegetables, and herbs make it impossible for viruses to thrive and provide continuous cleansing. I highly recommend getting this book as it has in-depth information on healing the liver.
- Celery juice. Drink this every morning. For quicker results, morning and night. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/celery-juice
- You’ll need to start giving your liver a break. Try to reduce animal fat to once a day in the evening or none at all. Eating no fat till noon would be ideal, even nuts and avocado. The less fat you eat the faster your liver can heal.
- Remove NO foods https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/foods-to-avoid-for-healing-chronic-illness
- AW recommends the heavy metal detox. The HMD removes the toxins that pathogen is consuming which creates the dermatoxin.
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/medical-medium-heavy-metal-detox-smoothie
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/mm101/medical-medium-heavy-metal-detox.htm
- Foods AW recommends to heal blood toxicity: cherries, figs, grapes, melons, asparagus, cucumbers, cilantro, burdock root, dandelion, red clover, wild blueberries. Heavy metal detox smoothie. Lemon or lime water. Coconut water
- Foods AW recommends to heal blood toxicity: cherries, figs, grapes, melons, asparagus, cucumbers, cilantro, burdock root, dandelion, red clover, wild blueberries. Heavy metal detox smoothie. Lemon or lime water. Coconut water
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/is-your-blood-toxic
- Foods AW recommends to eczema/psoriasis: wild blueberries, papaya, pears, watermelon and its seeds, kale, arugula, sprouts, lettuces like romaine, red and green leaf, and butter leaf, avocado, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, burdock root, and hemp seeds.
- Foods AW recommends to eczema/psoriasis: wild blueberries, papaya, pears, watermelon and its seeds, kale, arugula, sprouts, lettuces like romaine, red and green leaf, and butter leaf, avocado, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, burdock root, and hemp seeds.
- Supplements and herbs AW recommends to heal eczema/psoriasis: fresh aloe water, zinc, B complex, MSM, Mary Ruth Organics brand of multivitamins, minerals and probiotics, curcumin, skullcap tincture, calendula, peppermint tea, rose hip tea, nettle leaf tea, chamomile tea, and burdock root tea.
- Herbs/Foods to heal general "rash" per LCF book: avocados, celery, radishes, thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, turmeric, aloe vera, chaga, dandelion, nettle leaf, red clover, rosehips.
- According to Cleanse to Heal book MM recommends the following for lichen, eczema, dermatitis, etc: celery juice, celeryforce, 5MTHF, aloe vera, barley juice grass powder, cats claw, chaga, curcumin, EPA/DHA, lemon balm, licorice root, llysine, mullein leaf, nettle leaf, selenium, spirulina, vitamin B12, micro C, zinc (see book for dosages)
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/preferred/supplements
- Useful recipes:
- Aloe Vera Water (I like to add raw honey and lemon or lime)
- Watermelon Slushy
- Baked Pears
- Baked Sweet Potato
- I rinse mine, throw it in the oven and bake covered with some orange juice (don't let the OJ evaporate completely), till super soft and a bit caramelized. Flip half way through. I keep these in the fridge and eat them all day long
8D. Microcuts/Fissures/Rawness - During a Cleanse
- I experienced short flares of these issues while cleansing. In the Cleanse to Heal book, Anthony William explains that during the cleanse your body will start to release toxins/viruses that have been hurting you and these exiting toxins/metals/virus corpses get recirculated into your blood on their way out of your system. This can cause a flaring of the exact issue that you are trying to heal. Sigh. This can be very confusing and infuriating while healing, I feel you.
- During my first cleanse, I was trying to heal itchiness on the outside of my vagina and the symptom just went down easily. During my second 369 cleanse, I began with a pain free vagina and then during the cleanse my vagina flared slightly here are there with rawness and inside irritation. After the cleanse was complete my vagina was happier than she had been in years.
- During my second cleanse, I found a gold nugget of information in Cleanse to Heal. AW mentions that the pectin in apples soaks up the bile coming from the liver. After doing the HMD it's good to follow it up with a few apples so the pectin soaks up the toxic bile. I like to make the applesauce (apples, dates, celery). During my second cleanse I was able to control the flare if I added this step. This is probably why the 369 cleanse contains a plethora of apples.
- My suggestion is if you experience these symptoms DURING a cleanse, make sure you are eating apples (not apple juice) because you need the pulp full of the pectin. AW also allows aloe vera water during the cleanse.
- If you experience these things the week AFTER the cleanse try incorporating things that are liquid to be easy on your system: aloe vera water, watermelon juice, HMD followed by applesauce, a second CJ at night or in the evening, teas, lemon water, cucumber juice, asparagus/celery juice, etc
8E. Swollen & Redness
- First, most of the explanation below is my own MM conjecture because he has not stated a specific cause for swollen/red vaginas but he has talked clearly about swelling and edema. I personally experienced this specific combination of ailments and used MM info to heal. I've also helped other women heal this ailment as well.
- Now similar to the symptoms explained above in this section, I'm guessing that swollen and redness is caused by 'Dirty Blood Syndrome.' This happens when "a lack of proper daily hydration from the right liquids combined with a diet too high in fat/protein over the years and a toxic, stagnant, sluggish liver leading to chronic dehydration that causes the blood to thicken." (Cleanse to Heal, page 448) The liver can also be hurt by viruses and toxins living in the liver, hindering the liver from doing it's job which is to clean your blood. In conjuncture with a hurt liver, my guess is that the lymphatic system is also struggling which causes the swelling.
- According to MM, edema is caused "Unless you have a true heart condition or kidney disease that’s on your doctor’s radar, this swelling happens as a result of EBV and its sludge in the bloodstream and lymphatic system. As with mystery weight gain, a liver that’s filled with viral sewage from EBV becomes sluggish or even stagnant, handing off its filtration duties to the lymphatic system, which in turn retains pockets of fluid because it’s not equipped to process this large-scale waste matter." Even though this post mostly talks about face/eyes, I think it should also include swollen vaginas. It just makes sense. Edema and Puffy Face and Puffy Eyes (medicalmedium.com)
- If you are also experiencing burning, MM argues that this is caused by inflamed nerves. If your vagina area is burning then the pudendal nerve is inflamed. Deep breaths. I had extreme burning as well. The same viruses that are wrecking havoc with your liver/blood/lymphatic system are also inflaming your nerves. Please review the "Neurological Inflammation" section above and you'll find many of the recommendations below to heal edema/swelling also heal inflamed nerves.
- If I had to do it again, this is what I would do:
- lemon water upon waking (and throughout the day). YOU MUST USE filtered water (see post 14). If you drink bad water, it will most likely make things worse.
- Celery juice. Drink this every morning. Try to build to 20-32 ounces. For quicker results, morning and night. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/celery-juice
- I've been loving a melon slushie in the mornings lately. Blend your favorite melon (not watermelon) with a little frozen pineapple. This means I push my HMDS back later in the morning then lunch around 1 or 2 but it's worth it.
- The heavy metal detox smoothie removes the toxins (I usually have this for breakfast) I shoot dulse later cause it's gross and it ruins the smoothie. See post 18.
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/medical-medium-heavy-metal-detox-smoothie
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/mm101/medical-medium-heavy-metal-detox.htm]
- Eat 1-2 apples after. The pectin in the apples help absorb the toxins released from liver. It really does help.
- If I'm still hungry I keep baked sweet potatoes in the fridge and eat some of those.
- You’ll need to start giving your liver a break. Try to reduce animal fat to once a day in the evening or none at all. Eating no fat till noon would be ideal, even nuts and avocado. The less fat you eat the faster your liver can heal. If you have no idea how to eat this way, first start cleaning up your morning food and once that it no longer overwhelming, then incorporate lunch the snacks and dinner. See post 18 for recipe ideas.
- Remove NO foods https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/foods-to-avoid-for-healing-chronic-illness
- MMs recommendations to heal blood toxicity: cherries, figs, grapes, melons, asparagus, cucumbers, cilantro, burdock root, dandelion, red clover, wild blueberries. Heavy metal detox smoothie. Lemon or lime water. Coconut water
- Of these I would try cucumber juice, cherrie smoothie made with cherrie juice, green juice of cucumber/cilantro/celery, tea concoction of red clover, burdock, nettle leaf and thyme (see below)
- MMs recommendations to heal edema and swelling: dandelion, bananas, allberries, dates, grapes, celery, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, garlic, nettleleaf
- Of these I would focus on celery juice, wild blueberries and wild blueberry juice, grape slushies (freeze grapes and blend), thyme & nettle leaf tea, garlic concoction (see post 18 for recipes), leafy greens (at least 4 cups a day), chaga tea with honey, baked sweet potatoes
- Other Useful recipes:
- Aloe Vera Water (I like to add raw honey and lemon or lime)
- Watermelon Slushy
9. Streptococcus in the Intestines (SIBO)
9A. Streptococcus in the Intestines & Vaginal Issues
The Cleanse to Heal book has a great concise section addressing UTIs, Bladder Infections, Yeast Infections, "Candida" and Bacterial Vaginosis. Basically he states that all these issues are caused by one of the 50 strains of streptococcus bacteria. (page 549) In the Cleanse to Heal book he states that someone with SIBO (strep in the intestine) has a very good chance of having a history of acne, UTIs, bladder infections, yeast infections (page 544). In one of the FB live videos Anthony William stated that women with these vaginal conditions are CAUSED by SIBO. I personally made this connect years ago. For example, one woman I spoke with got food poisoning then two weeks later her vagina started burning. Once when I was pregnant my vagina flared and I couldn't figure out how to heal it until I focused on healing my gut rather than targeting my vagina (see post 9). I'm guessing that the strep in the lower intestine just kept going south especially if it followed the metals that tend to sink in the body.
If you are battling chronic UTIs, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis then it's probably safe to assume that you ALSO have strep in your lower intestine. On page 544 of Cleanse to Heal lists all the supplements and such to heal SIBO. My favorites are: celery juice, fresh aloe vera water, barley juice grass powder, burdock root, cats claw, chaga, ginger, goldenseal, lemon blam, licorice root, mullein leaf, oregano oil, spirulina, turmeric, B12, micro C, zinc.
I found MM's post on SIBO extremely helpful as well (see links below). Please read these posts it will really help. Many women in this community had a difficult time reducing these particular symptoms until they started to focus on healing their gut/strep in lower intestine. Per MM's SIBO post these are my favorites: celery juice, thyme water/tea, parsley juiced with celery, parsley on anything really, cilantro (especially in HMDS that you should be drinking once a day anyway). Metals sink in our bodies and end up the lower intestine and strep likes to live on these toxins so the heavy metal detox smoothie is really important here. Per this post, MM also recommends bananas, figs, cherries, mangoes, watermelon. Every morning I drink lemon honey water, melon slushie (blend melon with a little frozen melon or pineapple, honey and lime juice... my absolute favorite. Note: I wouldn't use watermelon the detox can be a bit much), then HMDS, then an apple (pectin catches the toxins released by the HMDS).
According the Life Changing Foods book MM's recommends the following for SIBO: apples (ideal), dates, figs, kiwis, papayas (ideal), pears, onions (strong strep killer), potatoes, thyme/rosemary/sage/oregano, ginger, garlic, lemon balm, aloe vera, chaga, coconut, rose hips.
I found MM's post on SIBO extremely helpful as well (see links below). Please read these posts it will really help. Many women in this community had a difficult time reducing these particular symptoms until they started to focus on healing their gut/strep in lower intestine. Per MM's SIBO post these are my favorites: celery juice, thyme water/tea, parsley juiced with celery, parsley on anything really, cilantro (especially in HMDS that you should be drinking once a day anyway). Metals sink in our bodies and end up the lower intestine and strep likes to live on these toxins so the heavy metal detox smoothie is really important here. Per this post, MM also recommends bananas, figs, cherries, mangoes, watermelon. Every morning I drink lemon honey water, melon slushie (blend melon with a little frozen melon or pineapple, honey and lime juice... my absolute favorite. Note: I wouldn't use watermelon the detox can be a bit much), then HMDS, then an apple (pectin catches the toxins released by the HMDS).
According the Life Changing Foods book MM's recommends the following for SIBO: apples (ideal), dates, figs, kiwis, papayas (ideal), pears, onions (strong strep killer), potatoes, thyme/rosemary/sage/oregano, ginger, garlic, lemon balm, aloe vera, chaga, coconut, rose hips.
Useful links: Medical Medium: Healing SIBO and SIBO (medicalmedium.com) and Medical Medium: How Celery Juice Helps Heal SIBO
9AA. Why is Strep Having a Party in My Intestines? - EBV & METALS
9AA. Why is Strep Having a Party in My Intestines? - EBV & METALS
There is a party in your pants... but not a fun one. I would like to take a minute to explain why streptoccous is having a party in your pants.
1. The first reason is EBV. If you have strep bacteria you can safely assume that you ALSO have EBV, Epstein Barr Virus. Strep is actually EBV's number one cofactor (MM book page 35). EBV likes to live in the liver and creates slime within the body that strep thrives in (MM mentions this slime in a live but I can't remember which one... there are lots of videos, it's hard to keep up ;)
Please don't be overwhelmed! I honestly don't think you need to be on a separate EBV protocol because the MM basics and almost everything you will be doing to target strep ALSO kills EBV (zinc, cat's claw, goldenseal, aloe, celery juice, etc) I just want to make sure you are aware that EBV is present. MM has a great chapter on EBV in the Medical Medium book. EBV creates a lot of other crazy symptoms throughout the body and this chapter can help you connect all your symptoms together.
1. The first reason is EBV. If you have strep bacteria you can safely assume that you ALSO have EBV, Epstein Barr Virus. Strep is actually EBV's number one cofactor (MM book page 35). EBV likes to live in the liver and creates slime within the body that strep thrives in (MM mentions this slime in a live but I can't remember which one... there are lots of videos, it's hard to keep up ;)
Please don't be overwhelmed! I honestly don't think you need to be on a separate EBV protocol because the MM basics and almost everything you will be doing to target strep ALSO kills EBV (zinc, cat's claw, goldenseal, aloe, celery juice, etc) I just want to make sure you are aware that EBV is present. MM has a great chapter on EBV in the Medical Medium book. EBV creates a lot of other crazy symptoms throughout the body and this chapter can help you connect all your symptoms together.
2. The second reason is metals. "These heavy metals often accumulate in your liver, gallbladder, intestines, and/or brain. Since heavy metals tend to be heavier than the water that's inside your digestive system and blood, they sink down and settle into the intestinal tract- just like gold settles at the bottom of a riverbed. Toxic heavy metals are poisonous, and if they begin to oxidize their chemical runoff will mutate and damage whatever cells are nearby. However, the biggest issues with heavy metals is that they're PRIME FOOD FOR BAD BACTERIA, VIRUSES, funguses, parasites, and worms. That means these metals are likely to attract and serve as a FEEDING GROUND for STREPTOCOCCUS, E.coli, and its many strains, C.difficile, H.pylori and especially viruses." (Medical Medium book, page 222)
3. Crap food. These pathogens feed on the NO foods. I honestly find this the hardest part of MM... you are not alone. Do the best you can... it's a process ;) Medical Medium: Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness
3. Rotting Fats/Proteins. Ew. Gross. "When fats and proteins start to rot in the intestinal tract and colon, it creates a feeding frenzy for the pathogens." Why does this happen? "When our liver is overburdened by excess fat and toxins, it is not able to produce the strong bile that is needed to metabolize them." Medical Medium: Secrets About Gut Health
In summary... to heal strep issues in the vagina then it's important to ALSO target the strep in the intestinal tract by specifically removing the foods it feeds upon which are not only high fat/protein foods, NO foods but also the metals that have sunk down to your intestine over the years.
To help you visualize this... look at the picture below. We tend to visualize our organs separately and spaciously existing within our bodies. MM mentions in another IG live (I forget which one... sorry) that our organs are actually all crammed in there very tightly. You'll notice in the picture below that our intestines are crammed next to the uterus and bladder and rectum. It makes sense that when streptococcus is having a party with metals in the intestines... the neighboring organs are going to complain.
To help you visualize this... look at the picture below. We tend to visualize our organs separately and spaciously existing within our bodies. MM mentions in another IG live (I forget which one... sorry) that our organs are actually all crammed in there very tightly. You'll notice in the picture below that our intestines are crammed next to the uterus and bladder and rectum. It makes sense that when streptococcus is having a party with metals in the intestines... the neighboring organs are going to complain.
MM Recommendations (incorporate these along with suggestions in 9A)
- MM recommends the following things in the MM book to remove metals from the gut (page 22): cilantro, parsley (coconut water increases its strength), spirulina, barley grass JUICE extract, wild blueberries, garlic.
- MM recommends the following to heal the gut (here are SOME of his recommendations from this post: elevated biotics (freshly grown sprouts and unwashed kale from a safe source), banana, papaya, blended banana and papaya together, celery juice blended with papaya ("one of the best tonics for gut health issues"), in the morning celery juice then followed by lots of fruit for breakfast
Medical Medium: Secrets About Gut Health
If it was me... and it was. I would make sure to consume for following things daily:
- Celery juice (which contains "cluster salts that work symbiotically and systematically to flush out toxins (metals), dead pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, and pathogenic neurotoxins and debris from every crevice of the body." CJ "contains undiscovered mineral salts that build up hydrochloric acid" so you can eventually digest proteins/fats correctly)
- In the morning: LW, CJ, melon slushies, Heavy metal detox smoothie
- Apple immediately after HMDS (helps to escort toxins out the intestinal tract)
- Flat leaf parsley (coconut water makes it more potent)
- Wild blueberries
- Sprouts or fresh SAFE kale for elevated biotics Medical Medium: Secrets About Gut Health
- I would also not eat any fat till noon so things can flush out the body properly and limited animal product cause fat slows down the detox process.
Using the Mono Cleanse to Heal
So the mono cleanse is described in Cleanse to Heal. Full disclosure: I personally have never done a mono cleanse and I healed extreme vag symptoms. Others in our Facebook group (see the link at the top of the page) swear by mono cleanses. Basically, you drink lemon water, celery juice and eat ONLY potatoes or potatoes with lettuce or banana or papaya or banana papaya ONLY for a week at minimum. I personally don't think I have the discipline strength to do this but if you are at your breaking point with pain and are thinking "fuck this shit" that sounds great! Then please, go on with your bad ass self and try a mono cleanse. Please read Cleanse to Heal and I would highly recommend first spending time removing the NO foods, being on CJ for awhile, increasing fruits/veggies etc. That by itself is a cleanse.
Success Story
"THANK YOU Sarah, JJ K, Rena for pointing out the mono cleanse to me. This has been my favorite most rewarding cleanse thus far. I chose potatoes and am on day 5. My skin is soft and clear- everywhere. No more rashes, itching, acne and other symptoms! The white vaginal discharge from SIBO (or more accurately SISO) is lessening in amount. It will be easy to finish the week or even go on in support of the 369ers until Sunday. I’m afraid that my symptoms will come back if I go back to regular diet even though it was 95% MM friendly. I will continue to listen to my body in terms of when I will transition back.
For those on the 369, I know today and tomorrow can be frustrating days. On all of my 369s a lot of anger left my body and it wasn’t always pleasant (especially for the bf). Similar to what has been mentioned in previous posts, remember that anger as well as fear, depression etc, are energies that are being discarded out and they’re not yours anymore (yay!). Be in your witness as much as possible, like if you would peacefully watch over a loved going through shit and observing their healing process. You got this!!" - Sarah D.
According to AW, candida is actually a beneficial fungus your body creates to protect itself. Yeah. Crazy. Your body is working hard to starve the viruses in your system. When you eat foods or come into contact with lots of chemicals that these viruses thrive on (gluten, dairy, white sugar, eggs, soy, MSG, metals, contaminates, etc.), your body tries to eat the these foods before the viruses can get to them.... that's the yeast. It's protection. The yeast is not the problem, the viruses are the problem. Medical Medium which is the first book Anthony William wrote has a great chapter on candida. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/truth-about-your-candida
Please remember that if you have a yeast infection (strep) then you probably most likely have strep in the lower intestine. Please read section 9A titled 'SIBO & Vaginal Issues" above.
The conventional candida diet partially works cause you're taking out most of the foods that feed these viruses so it doesn't have to create yeast. Unfortunately, you won't understand that you're killing a virus which is key. You won't eat fruit that kill the virus and your brain will do whatever it can to get the glucose it needs to function. Meaning.... I got intense food cravings while on the candida diet... addict type of cravings and I never healed.
The most important things to do while combating yeast is to stop eating the foods that your body has to protect you from. All these food feed pathogens, please try to avoid them especially when you are battling pain: dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, gluten, canola oil, aluminium foil, sugar, MSG (natural flavors). Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness (medicalmedium.com)
The most important things to do while combating yeast is to stop eating the foods that your body has to protect you from. All these food feed pathogens, please try to avoid them especially when you are battling pain: dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, gluten, canola oil, aluminium foil, sugar, MSG (natural flavors). Foods To Avoid For Healing Chronic Illness (medicalmedium.com)
Yeast infections are caused by an underlying strep bacterial infection. The vaginal strep infection often goes unnoticed by standard tests, while yeast that’s also present gets blamed for the symptoms. Strep often causes symptoms near menstruation because the immune system is lowered by about 80%. Please remember that if you have a yeast infection (strep) then you probably most likely have strep in the lower intestine. Please read the "SIBO Connection #9 section above.
- If it was me this is what I would do.... upon waking lemon honey water with filtered water (see post 140) with garlic (but use a zester, makes the bits smaller. Try not to drink actual bits), 20 minutes later celery juice.
- My favorites yeast infection healers:
- cranberry aloe turmeric juice (blend frozen or fresh cranberries and fresh turmeric with water then strain. Put it back in the blender and blend clear part of fresh aloe, lots honey and lemon)
- chaga powder, cat's claw powder, licorice root powder in hot water with a little honey (this stuff is my absolute favorite especially if you also are experience vulva itching/burning. Super cooling and amazing)
- celery, 2 bunches cilantro, cucumber (optional), little lemon juice - blend and strain or run through a juicer
- Shock therapies (when working with shock therapies its good to know that you will be killing lots of viruses at once. This process creates viral corpses and the remnants of the virus or neurotoxin can remain in the corpse and inflame things on the way. This isn't much of an issues unless you are trying to heal an area that already inflamed and unfortunately the corpse needs to pass through these areas on the way out. So... it you do shock therapies drink a CJ afterwards or coconut water or the green juice above. They can help flush things out. See post 22 for further info) All tinctures should be alcohol free.
- propolis shock therapy - 4 droppers in ounce of water or juice every 3 hours while awake.
- goldenseal shock therapy - 6 dropperfuls of tincture in ounce of water/juice every 4 waking hours
- zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate): 1 dropperful in water/juice or directly in the mouth every 4 waking hours
- Food for the day: melon slushie (see post), fry 1 onion with 2 potatoes (super filling and onions are strep killers), HMDS (apple or coconut water afterwards), salad, pico de gallo is also super powerful (but don't eat it with chips)
- Others: Dmannose (1T 4x a day but only MM's recommended brand, it can be made of crap). Teas: Lemon balm, thyme.
- Try to lower grains if you can for a bit so meals are salads, sweet potatoes, potatoes, budda bowls with lots of veggies, etc. (Grains help create mucus which "confuses the immune system" I'm honestly not sure what that means but there you go. We have noticed that in our group removing grains for a time does significantly help those dealing with yeast infections, UTIs, etc)
- Recommendations for yeast infections:
- Best herbs: turmeric, lemon balm
- Best foods: cranberries Cranberry Water (medicalmedium.com), melons, onion, garlic, celery juice, cucumber juice
- Per Life Changing Foods Book by AW
- Recommendations Source: Cleanse to Heal by Anthony William, page 549
- Fresh celery juice: work up to 32 ounces daily
- Aloe vera: 2 or more inches of fresh gel (skin removed) daily
- Amla berry: 2 teaspoons twice a day
- Barley grass juice powder: 2 teaspoons or 6 capsules daily
- Cat’s claw: 3 dropperfuls twice a day
- Chaga mushroom: 2 teaspoons or 6 capsules daily
- D-mannose: 1 tablespoon of powder in water four times a day
- Goldenseal: 4 dropperfuls twice a day (two weeks on, two weeks off)
- Hibiscus: 2 cups of tea daily
- Lemon balm: 4 dropperfuls twice a day
- Lomatium root: 2 dropperfuls twice a day
- Mullein leaf: 3 dropperfuls twice a day
- Olive leaf: 2 dropperfuls twice a day
- Oregon grape root: 1 dropperful twice a day (two weeks on, two weeks off)
- Raw honey: 1 tablespoon daily
- Rose hips: 2 cups of tea daily
- Thyme: 2 sprigs of fresh thyme in hot water as tea or 4 sprigs in room temperature water twice a day
- Vitamin C (as Ester C): after optional Medical Medium Vitamin C Shock Therapy, 6 capsules twice a day
- Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate): after optional Medical Medium Zinc Shock Therapy for two days, up to 2 dropperfuls twice a day
- Other MM Recommendations for Yeast Infections:
- Cat's claw
- Herbs for tea: Lemon balm, Burdock root, chaga, rose hips
- Turmeric
- Burdock root
- Aloe vera - highly beneficial
- Apples - starve yeast and mold from the gut
- Apricots - remove mold and yeast from the body
- Bananas - anti-yeast and antifungal
- Cinnamon - beneficial
- Lemons - break down mold, yeast & fungus
- Red cabbage - removes fungus from the body
- Wild blueberries
- Cranberries - profound antiseptic role in healing by fighting strep
- Dates
- Kiwis
- Melons
- Oranges & tangerines
- Celery
- Cucumbers
- Leafy greens
- Onions
- Garlic
- Sources:
- https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/streptococcus-revealed
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/streptococcus-revealed
- https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/how-celery-juice-helps-heal-utis-bladder-yeast-infections
- “Celery Juice” - p. 82
- “Liver Rescue” - See yeast infections in index
- Topical treatments for yeast infection?
- TRUE STORY: On October 21, 2022 Camila posted: "Just want to post a tip I discovered today after dealing with a hell on earth yeast infection for the past few days. In desperation for some relief I slathered on some raw honey on my vagina and it gave me relief. However, today I received a vimergy order with propolis and that changed the game. I place a few dropperfuls on my inflamed lips and have complete reduction of pain/itch almost back to zero. I’m over the moon. Continuing eating mainly raw for the next few days to see how it heals. I want to mention too that I dried the area completely first, since he mentioned to do that for sores in your mouth during his live. Not sure if it helped but I think it’s worth mentioning. "
- Pau d'Arco Douche (candida/yeast/vaginal itching/vaginal burning) also in section 22 So in a facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
- See section 22M and 22N (below) for douching directions for Goldenseal and Sovereign Silver. We've see a good amount of success with these douches.
- Calendula cream can also be used topically.
- Source: Calendula (medicalmedium.com)
- Candida MM Recommendations:
- Best herbs: cat's claw but no while pregnant or prior
Best foods: apricots, avocado, banana, berries, dates, mango, celery juice, onions, potatoes, garlic. Fresh aloe 2x a day. You can also increase your intake of foods recommended for yeast like: leafy greens, oranges, grapefruit, melon & kiwi.
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William - More info: http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/truth-about-your-candida
- MM recommends drinking turmeric ginger shots for yeast infections. You can add a dash of cinnamon to the shots which is also recommended for yeast. You can incorporate Calendula tea. Source: Calendula (medicalmedium.com) and Turmeric Ginger Shots (medicalmedium.com) and Cinnamon (medicalmedium.com)
If you have discharge I recommend that you also read section 9B (above) as well cause that cover yeast infections.
Best herbs: lemon/lime, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, raspberry leaf, nettle leaf (raspberry leaf makes nettle leaf stronger), red clover
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
See section 22 (below) for topical suggestions and douching recipes.
Please remember that if you have a vaginal discharge (strep) then you probably most likely have strep in the lower intestine. Please read the "SIBO CONNNECTION" section above.
- True Story, Lemon/Lime: Christie who was pregnant at the time was starting to get some vaginal discharge. So she put an alarm on her phone and drank lemon water every two hours (that she was awake) and the discharge was gone by the next day. It's good to note that she had already removed the NO foods for some time. It takes about a week or more for eggs, dairy, gluten to be removed from your digestive tract but 90 days to be removed from your liver, FYI. (2020)
- True Story, Garlic/Apple/Burdock: Shannon posted in our Facebook group in (May 26, 2022 on Kelly's post) that she healed her chronic discharge by going grain free (strep likes to consume grains) and a juice concoction made from 7 cloves garlic juiced with apple and fresh burdock root daily. She recommended "Maybe going completely grain free and 7 cloves of garlic juiced with apple and burdock root daily helped mine. My discharge resolved close to 2.5 years of doing mm it was stubborn too but it will heal. Grains have never been consistent for me and I went almost an entire year over fat free and only healing foods no filler foods.
- "You can find it (burdock root) at Asian stores or if you call HarmonyValleyFarm.com I live on east coast but they ship. I do healing meal prep for a lot of family and decided to expand it as an offer to others too during the time I was deciding to expand it out or not I shared with them that I have a meal prep business/catering. They will ship 10-20lbs monthly at a time when they have it available. You can pay by check or even now electronically I think or calling in and paying by card.
- My recipe all juiced through an omega or other slow masticating juicer:
- 2-3 red apple
- 7-10 cloves of garlic
- 3-7 rods of fresh burdock root"
- Success Story from Vulva Warriors Medical Medium (our Facebook group): "I just wanted to post on here about how my vaginal burning and itching has been SO MUCH BETTER!!! I did the 369 simplified cleanse about 2 weeks ago and it flared a little while cleansing but not anymore! I’ve kept out the “troublemakers” since and also follow the heavy metal detox cleanse everyday. It’s such a relief. Thank you all so much for all of your help and support ❤️❤️❤️" - this statement was posted by Kelly on July 7, 2022. Kelly posted again on October 20, 2022 "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I just finished another simplified 369 cleanse and I have to say my vagina IS SO HAPPY!!!! I’ve suffered with itching, redness, burning and discharge on and off for the past few years and this is always such a relief. Just wanted to put it out there for any new members looking for answers. There is hope! Also I’ve recently started taking goldenseal and oil of oregano capsules which I feel like have helped quite a bit as well
- Pau d'Arco Douche (candida/yeast/vaginal itching/vaginal burning) also in section 22 - So in a facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
- See section 22M and 22N (below) for douching directions for Goldenseal and Sovereign Silver. We've see a good amount of success with these douches.
9D. Discharge During a Cleanse or While Eating Super Clean
If you are experiencing discharge during a cleanse or while you have been eating clean for awhile, don't worry, you are not alone! We have noticed a trend in women experiencing discharge/yeast symptoms while healing. AW talks about experiencing flares while cleansing in Cleanse to Heal, chapter 20 page 244. Your liver/body is now strong enough to release the toxins that have been holding you back but for them to exit your body has to release them back into your blood stream. "Before these virus cells die off they start scrambling and looking for fuel"... and to do this they "need to use up whatever energy source they have stored inside them, and that means they expel and release that poisonous energy source." These released poisons can cause flare ups. The adrenals release adrenaline to help flush them out to help the process but I'm guessing your body still wants to protect you from these exiting toxins.
If you are experiencing discharge during a cleanse or while you have been eating clean for awhile, don't worry, you are not alone! We have noticed a trend in women experiencing discharge/yeast symptoms while healing. AW talks about experiencing flares while cleansing in Cleanse to Heal, chapter 20 page 244. Your liver/body is now strong enough to release the toxins that have been holding you back but for them to exit your body has to release them back into your blood stream. "Before these virus cells die off they start scrambling and looking for fuel"... and to do this they "need to use up whatever energy source they have stored inside them, and that means they expel and release that poisonous energy source." These released poisons can cause flare ups. The adrenals release adrenaline to help flush them out to help the process but I'm guessing your body still wants to protect you from these exiting toxins.
Candida is caused by your cells who "intentionally consume food waste and poisons to prevent harmful bugs, such as E. coli, C. diff, and Streptococcus, from feasting on these things and building their armies." Truth About Your Candida (medicalmedium.com)
In summary, if you are cleansing don't expect ailments to lessen or disappear, most likely you might flare a few times while cleansing for this reason. Sorry. This totally sucks, I know but in my experience and with others we have seen, it really does work once enough toxins finally exit.
See section 22 (below) for topical suggestions and douching recipes.
9E. Bacterial Vaginosis (vaginal odor)
BV is caused by strep. Strep is a bacteria that thrives in the slime that EBV creates in the body. Please remember that if you have bacterial vaginosis (strep) then you probably most likely have strep in the lower intestine. I'm guessing the strep in the lower intestine just kept going south causing BV in the vagina. Please read section 9A "SIBO & Vaginal Issues" and section 1 "EBV."
This is the protocol I would do if I was experiencing vaginal odor/smell since one of the conventional symptoms of BV is "foul-smelling "fishy" vaginal odor." Other symptoms of BV include: Thin, gray, white or green vaginal discharge, vaginal itching and burning during urination. (Reference)
MM Recommendations from Life Changing Foods book for BV: MMs Aloe Vera Water (I like to add honey and lime, drink 2x a day), Raspberry Leaf, Celery Juice
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
MM Recommendations Supplements/Herbs from Cleanse to Heal book for BV: celery juice, MMs aloe vera water, amla berry, barley juice grass powder, cat's claw (not while pregnant or trying to get pregnant), chaga mushroom, d-mannose, goldenseal, hibiscus, lemon balm, lomatium root, mullein leaf, olive leaf, oregon grape root, raw honey, rose hips, thyme, vitamin C, zinc
Success Stories! On post 10, look up Claire's and Candi's stories because they both used MM info to heal BV.
See section 22 (below) for topical suggestions and douching recipes. I would try Goldenseal or Pau D'Arco or Sovereign Silver.
It would be good for you to also read section 9B, 9A and 9AA. 9B is about yeast infections. Even though you might not have a yeast infection it's a similar protocol because vaginal discharge is caused your body protecting you from strep.
If you have been diagnosed with vaginal strep, this time the doctors are correct. You have strep in your vagina causing havoc. They are missing a few key things about strep though. Strep is thriving there because it lives in the slime that EBV creates in your body. Please read section #1. If you have strep in your vagina you most likely have strep in your lower intestine, please read section #9A. I think that strep in your lower intestine just kept going south and ended up in your vagina. So many women in our group who are battling vaginal strep issues have a difficult time making progress till they focus on healing their gut and killing the strep in their lower intestine.
Basically, strep lives in the slime that EBV creates. So to reduce the pain, you will need to tackle and understand both viruses. Strep will be faster to kill the EBV. On a positive note, strep is easier to kill and mostly likely the main source of your pain.
Best Supplements to kill general strep: vitamin C, zinc, oregano oil capsules, cat’s claw (not if you’re pregnant), lemon balm, goldenseal, monolaurin from coconut.
Best Foods to kill general strep: bananas, berries, spinach, onion (for reproductive system, bladder), juicing turmeric with cucumber or celery, celery juice, raw honey
Source: http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/streptococcus-revealed
Best things to kill vaginal strep: chaga mushroom, nettle leaf, garlic (see post 18 for a GREAT garlic/honey concoction)
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Basically, strep lives in the slime that EBV creates. So to reduce the pain, you will need to tackle and understand both viruses. Strep will be faster to kill the EBV. On a positive note, strep is easier to kill and mostly likely the main source of your pain.
Best Supplements to kill general strep: vitamin C, zinc, oregano oil capsules, cat’s claw (not if you’re pregnant), lemon balm, goldenseal, monolaurin from coconut.
Best Foods to kill general strep: bananas, berries, spinach, onion (for reproductive system, bladder), juicing turmeric with cucumber or celery, celery juice, raw honey
Source: http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/streptococcus-revealed
Best things to kill vaginal strep: chaga mushroom, nettle leaf, garlic (see post 18 for a GREAT garlic/honey concoction)
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
See section 22 (below) for topical suggestions and douching recipes. I would try Goldenseal or Pau D'Arco or Sovereign Silver.
According to the Cleanse to Heal book MM recommends the following for PID: celery juice, aloe vera, barley juice grass powder, cat's claw (don't take if trying to conceive), curcumin, Dmannose, eyebright, goldenseal (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), lemon balm, licorice root (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), L-lysine, lomatium, mullein, nascent iodine, nettle leaf, olive leaf, oregano oil, oregon grape root, raspberry leaf, raw honey, spirulina, thyme, B12, MicroC (vitamin C), zinc. (See book for ideal dosage amounts)
If it was me this is what I would do: MM basics (lemon water using filtered water see post 14, 24 or more ounces of CJ, HMDS, off NO foods, zinc, B12, MicroC). Tea concoction or tinctures of ginger, lemon balm, licorice root, nettle leaf, mullein (2-3x a day). Thyme water with honey. Cherry smoothies with ginger. Cat's claw. Ginger garlic concoction see post 18. Aloe 2x a day. Green juice: celery, cucumber, sprouts, leafy greens.
9H. Cytolytic Vaginosis
Other Steps You Can Take
11. Vulva Itch
Anal Itching
These symptoms are so common in V land, I decided to add a little section on them here. According the Life Changing Foods book the following heals anal itching: papaya, kiwi, melon, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano. If it was me I would start the day with lemon water then celery juice. Then I would try to fit in more green drinks later in the morning, afternoon or evening.
- Success Story, I posted this on Vulva Warrior Group October 31, 2022
- Short Story: To calm down a burning vaginal/vulva mix chaga/cat's claw/licorice powder in a cup of hot water. Once it's cooled down to a warm temperature then add raw honey. (Important note: if you are trying to get pregnant cat's claw is the one herb that MM recommends not ingesting while trying to conceive. Also, licorice root should be taken two weeks on, two week off)
- Long Story (learning new lessons about strep):
- Ok... so if you don't know my history, here's a quick summary I had vulvdoynia for too many years (post 3 of my blog) and it was extremely painful. I used MM info to heal it 6 or so years ago. My vagina has been pain/burn free most of the time since then. I've had a few setbacks since then... vulva itching after food poisoning, vaginal burning after living in local forest fire smoke while I was pregnant, etc. I've been able to heal each of those setbacks pretty quickly and somewhat simply.
- Here's a new one. We are from California but we are living in Ireland. We decided to take the children on a trip to Holland and Belgium. The week prior my toddler poured BOTH bottles of zinc down the sink for fun. Ugh. Toddlers are the worst. So I brought the supplements I could. It was a great trip but 3 days into the trip my skin broke out horribly! It was so embarrassing. Then by the third day my daughter got a fever and eye infection. Then my vulva started burning which was bizarre. Then my daughter got diagnosed with strep throat. Acne, eye infections and strep throat are can all be caused by strep per MM. Ugh! My guess is that we CAUGHT A NEW HORRIBLE STREP STRAIN. (Turns out her ENTIRE preschool class got strep throat)
- So we were in Belgium and I had NO access to CJ, HMDS, zinc, etc. I made an eye wash for my daughter with goldenseal that I brought from home and water which worked really well.
- I also just threw together a tea for myself to calm down the vaginal burning from the powders that I brought: licorice root, chaga and cat's claw and raw honey. I made sure the water cooled down some and wasn't super-hot so it wouldn't destroy the honey. It worked! By that point my vulva had been burning for a few hours and it calmed it down in about 20 or so minutes after the tea. Wild. The only things that have calmed down a flare that fast for me were certain green juices (see post 18).
- Why? Chaga specializes in healing EBV, VAGINAL STREP, shingles, strep in intestinal tract, general inflammation, neurological symptoms (including burning, tingles, numbness, nerve pain, etc.), swelling, body stiffness (which is important cause the vaginal muscles tend to tense up because of pain). Cat's claw specializes in healing STREP, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), acne, EBV, chlamydia, yeast infections, strep in intestinal tract, inflammation, BURNING SENSATIONS, rashes, moving body pain, neurological (tingles, numbness), candida, muscle tightness. Licorice root specializes in healing EBV, UTIs, shingles, body pains, nerve pain, VAGINAL PAIN, PELVIC PAIN, VAGINAL BURNING, loss libido (cause it heals adrenals). Honey specializes in healing strep in intestinal tract, low reproductive system battery, BACTERIAL INFECTIONS IN THE GUT (see post 3, section 9a on my blog which explains why this is so important for vaginal health), neurological symptoms (tingles, spasms, burning is neurological, nerve pain, etc).
- Pre-healing I ran from doctor to doctor for years finding no hope of any sort of pain reduction in sight. Those years were one long painful fearful nightmare. Now when I run into a new strain of strep... I can recognize it quickly and create concoctions/teas/drinks that TARGET my ailment cause I know what's going on. This is key. Then I fix it. There's frustration yes, but nothing like the emotional rollercoaster of those younger years. Woot woot!
- Pau d'Arco Douche (candida/yeast/vaginal itching/vaginal burning) also in section 22 So in a facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
9G. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
According to conventional medicine: "Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive system which includes the womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Most symptoms are mild and may include 1 or more of the following: pain around the pelvis or lower tummy, discomfort or pain during sex that's felt deep inside the pelvis, pain when peeing, bleeding between periods and after sex, heavy periods, painful periods, unusual vaginal discharge, especially if it's yellow, green or smelly." (NHS Reference)
According to Cleanse to Heal book, PID is caused by a "bacterial infection of one or more strains from the over 50 streptococcus. There are different levels of PID. Some are very mild, and some are severe, with more systemic, longterm, chronic pain. You don't need to be diagnosed with PID to have it. The mildest forms of PIDS are overative bladder with occasionals UTIs and pelvic discomfort that may be difficult to distinguish from gastric or intestinal bloating or discomfort. Often women with PID also struggle with recurrences of UTIs, vaginal discharge, bacterial vaginosis, or chronic yeast infections because they are all strep caused as well... When someone has PID... they usually have strep in their lower colon too, leading to irritable bowel syndrome at the same time, because IBS is also a result of low grade chronic strep." (CTH, paeg 537)
According to the Life Changing Foods book the best foods to heal PID are berries, cherries, celery, cruciferous vegetables, cucumbers, leafy greens, radishes, sprouts. The best herbs are cat’s claw, garlic, ginger, licorice root, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage. There is also a great chapter on fertility. On page 281, he describes the best foods and supplements to regenerate the reproductive system from things like PID.
According to conventional medicine: "Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive system which includes the womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Most symptoms are mild and may include 1 or more of the following: pain around the pelvis or lower tummy, discomfort or pain during sex that's felt deep inside the pelvis, pain when peeing, bleeding between periods and after sex, heavy periods, painful periods, unusual vaginal discharge, especially if it's yellow, green or smelly." (NHS Reference)
According to Cleanse to Heal book, PID is caused by a "bacterial infection of one or more strains from the over 50 streptococcus. There are different levels of PID. Some are very mild, and some are severe, with more systemic, longterm, chronic pain. You don't need to be diagnosed with PID to have it. The mildest forms of PIDS are overative bladder with occasionals UTIs and pelvic discomfort that may be difficult to distinguish from gastric or intestinal bloating or discomfort. Often women with PID also struggle with recurrences of UTIs, vaginal discharge, bacterial vaginosis, or chronic yeast infections because they are all strep caused as well... When someone has PID... they usually have strep in their lower colon too, leading to irritable bowel syndrome at the same time, because IBS is also a result of low grade chronic strep." (CTH, paeg 537)
According to the Life Changing Foods book the best foods to heal PID are berries, cherries, celery, cruciferous vegetables, cucumbers, leafy greens, radishes, sprouts. The best herbs are cat’s claw, garlic, ginger, licorice root, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage. There is also a great chapter on fertility. On page 281, he describes the best foods and supplements to regenerate the reproductive system from things like PID.
According to the Cleanse to Heal book MM recommends the following for PID: celery juice, aloe vera, barley juice grass powder, cat's claw (don't take if trying to conceive), curcumin, Dmannose, eyebright, goldenseal (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), lemon balm, licorice root (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), L-lysine, lomatium, mullein, nascent iodine, nettle leaf, olive leaf, oregano oil, oregon grape root, raspberry leaf, raw honey, spirulina, thyme, B12, MicroC (vitamin C), zinc. (See book for ideal dosage amounts)
If it was me this is what I would do: MM basics (lemon water using filtered water see post 14, 24 or more ounces of CJ, HMDS, off NO foods, zinc, B12, MicroC). Tea concoction or tinctures of ginger, lemon balm, licorice root, nettle leaf, mullein (2-3x a day). Thyme water with honey. Cherry smoothies with ginger. Cat's claw. Ginger garlic concoction see post 18. Aloe 2x a day. Green juice: celery, cucumber, sprouts, leafy greens.
9H. Cytolytic Vaginosis
Before I begin, I just want to clearly state that to my knowledge MM has NOT mentioned cytolytic vaginosis specifically. He has talked A LOT about similar issues related to this ailment. In this section I will be piecing together MY BEST GUESS regarding cytolytic vaginosis within the MM paradigm.
Understanding the Diagnosis
Let's first break down this diagnosis. Per this medical review cytolytic vaginosis is characterized by abundant growth of Lactobacilli resulting in lysis of vaginal epithelial cells. Basically, a large amount of bacteria (lactobacilli is a member of the lactic acid bacteria) have overwhelmed the vagina resulting is lysis (disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane) to the vaginal epithelial cells (the inner lining of the vagina). In simpler terms... an overabundance of bacteria in the vagina is harming the inner lining of the vagina.
Per conventional medicine, vaginal discharge is caused by bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis (a common STD) or yeast infections. "In some of the patients who have symptoms and signs of vaginal candidiasis, which is unresponsive to antifungal drugs, a diagnosis of cytolytic vaginosis may have to be suspected" (per this medical review)
The Truth About Candida
Per Medical Medium, yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis is caused by streptococcus. The yeast/discharge/candida is actually NOT caused by streptococcus but your body's attempt in trying to protect you. The discharge/candida is actually NOT the culprit harming you. MM explains that candida is actually a beneficial fungus your body creates to protect itself. Yeah. Crazy. This bacteria When you eat foods or come into contact with lots of chemicals that these viruses thrive on (gluten, dairy, white sugar, eggs, soy, MSG, metals, contaminates, etc.) your body tries to alter these foods so that pathogens can’t consume them and grow.... that's the yeast. Your body is working hard to starve the viruses in your system. It's protection. The yeast is not the problem, pathogens are the problem. He has a great chapter on candida in the first book titled ‘Medical Medium.’ I wrote about it in section 9B and here’s a good MM blog post.
Just to reiterate, this bacteria is supposed to be there as it helps balance the pH, but the presence of some bad guys (strep or other bad bacteria) has caused it to get out of balance. That way they know that it isn't some strange bacteria they picked up, and it isn't a bad guy, just the messenger.
Streptococcus in the Intestines
If this is a chronic condition (I’m assuming it is) then per MM, any sort of CHRONIC discharge/yeast infection/bacterial vaginosis means that streptococcus bacteria is ALSO living in your intestinal tract. Read section 9A and 9AA before moving forward. Many/most women in our groups can’t get a handle on the strep in the vagina without tackling the strep in their intestines as well.
EBV - The Foundational Virus of All This
Another key thing to understand is that streptococcus bacteria has been able to accumulate because it likes to live in the slime that EBV creates in your body. So it's safe to assume that you also have EBV as well. Please don't let this overwhelm you! We all have it now. Everything you will be doing to kill strep will ALSO kill EBV. Deep breaths. See section 1 about EBV.
Do You Have Inflammation or Lysis?
Now talk to your doctor to see if they can REALLY detect LYSIS in your vaginal epithelial cells. If it was me and my doctor detected proof that my vaginal epithelial cells have begun to disintegrate or rupture, then I would incorporate a protocol leaning heavily on removing heavy metals as well as killing strep/EBV. Why? If you look at MM's information about lichen (section 3) he explains that metals or dermatoxins which are produced with viruses consume metals, can fuck with cells (see other aliments such as lichen, eczema, etc). I deduce under the MM paradigm, the metals/dermatoxins NOT the bacteria by itself are causing the lysis (disintegration of cells). Now from conventional literature it sounds like many are diagnosed with cytolytic vaginosis only because they are unresponsive to drugs NOT because of actual disintegration of cells. So I’m guessing that many just have inflammation of the vagina from strep that is being unresponsive to conventional drugs.
Either way… healing now has a clearer path. I think the protocol below is a strong protocol for Cytolytic Vaginosis but if you are having hard time making headway see post 22 to help troubleshoot. Make sure to read section 3 in that post. You can also of course get on our FB group and we can help out there.
Healing Protocol - This is What I Would Do for Cytolytic Vaginosis
There’s a lot here. If it was me I would first focus on the m orning routine and removing NO foods. Then I would pick a few of my favorite things from the list below and start incorporating them, one by one, so I don’t overwhelm myself. If you haven’t read post 20, that’s a good place to start if you’re new to MM.
Morning Routine/MM Basics
-Lemon water upon arising (make sure clean water source see post 14) - kills yeast, see Christie’s story section 9C
-Celery Juice - start with 16 ounces and increase everyday till 32 (super important cause it’s ideal for inflammation of lady organs)
-HMDS smoothie (see post 20 which goes through the basics) Removing metals is foundational when healing this condition, especially if the cells are being harmed.
-Apple - eat after HMDS cause it will help reduce the inflammation as the toxins leave the body
-Remove all NO foods is foundational when trying to expel the yeast, see post 22
-Supplements Basics: zinc (foundational to kill viruses, B12), lysine (great anti-inflammatory) I personally found if I took at the same time with golden or cat’s it was extremely effective
-Herbs - cat’s claw (don’t take if trying to get pregnant. Ideal for burning vaginas and top strep killer), goldenseal (take 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off) If it was me I would start both of these from the beginning because they are great STREP KILLERS.
-Foods - onions, garlic (see garlic concoction post 18), papaya, potatoes, dates, wild blue berries, sweet potatoes (for strep in intestines), parsley (alkalizes the whole body/every organ and great for reducing pain/burning in general)
-Drinks - MM’s cranberry water, MM’s aloe water (really important to tackle the strep in the intestines), thyme or sage or rosemary, tea concoction: raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, thyme or rosemary or sage or thyme by itself, lemon water throughout the day, I would even try a second CJ in the afternoon or evening
-Other drinks - cherry smoothies (cherries are ideal to remove toxins from the reproductive organs but they can be TOO healing TOO fast, so ramp up slowly with cherries, just in case), chaga with honey (it’s good for strep in intestines and vaginal pain)
Other Steps You Can Take
Topicals - See Camila’s story about propolis in section 9B, goldenseal douche for yeast in section 22, calendula would help with the yeast and the inflammation (I would just get the alcohol free tincture and mix with coconut oil) in section 22. Again… any time you are trying topicals, they might not work so try them near an open bath.
Removing Grains - If you get really stuck, it might be a good idea to remove grains for a time. It’s annoying but they do have an impact on strep Grains And Beans And Strep, Oh My! [Part 1] | Muneeza Ahmed
Stop Taking Certain Probiotics - it might be good to stop taking any probiotics since probiotics contain that lactobacilli. We think that this might just add to the problem. Doctors always put women on probiotics, and women think that is what will fix these over growths. So the first thing they do is start taking probiotics, which will really make this worse. If you wanna learn more about how to increase good flora this is a great post, just scroll down to the probiotics section where you will learn about elevated biotics.
10.Vaginal Itching
This is different then vulva itching (outside skin). These things help to heal the itch that is experienced INSIDE the vagina. If you are experience itching outside the vagina, see the next section.
- MM Recommendations: nettle leaf (plus raspberry leaf to strengthen the nettle leaf) Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
- I have personally also had success with dried apricots (don't get the pretty orange ones, they have weird chemicals) Raw Honey, at least 3x a day, make sure it's not been heated. I would also be doing the Garlic/Honey concoction 3x a day, it's on this page Healing Concoctions, Juices & Smoothies. Celery juice. Melon slushies. Blend melon with a little frozen pineapple, it's delicious. You could also add fresh/frozen aloe or fresh ginger, little lime juice, raw honey. It's my favorite and is great for this. Warning watermelon might be too detoxing... use any other melon for now. Aloe Water 101 | Medical Medium 101 especially if you are bloated or have gut issues. Remember when you are using teas to heal, I recommend building up to at least 3 dark cups a day. Build slowly. All these things kill strep/EBV which causes the itch.
- True Story, Turmeric: Mary emailed a week after we spoke. She had been slowly ramping up the protocol when she got floored with level 10 vaginal itch. I told her to do turmeric shots. They are based on AW's turmeric ginger shots. Basically, I told her to grate 3 inches of fresh turmeric in a glass of 1/4c or less of orange juice. Let it sit then push the pulp off to the side and drink. You'll get some pulp but mostly just juice. When I talked with her the next week, she said that it had brought the pain down from 10 to 5 in 30 minutes or less. Then she drank three more that day. I asked her when the pain left completely and she honestly couldn't remember. She realized she forgot about the incident till the evening.
- Success Story from Vulva Warriors Medical Medium (our Facebook group): "I just wanted to post on here about how my vaginal burning and itching has been SO MUCH BETTER!!! I did the 369 simplified cleanse about 2 weeks ago and it flared a little while cleansing but not anymore! I’ve kept out the “troublemakers” since and also follow the heavy metal detox cleanse everyday. It’s such a relief. Thank you all so much for all of your help and support ❤️❤️❤️" - this statement was posted by Kelly on July 7, 2022. MM explains the Simplified Cleanse in the Cleanse to Heal book.
- Kelly posted again on October 20, 2022 "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I just finished another simplified 369 cleanse and I have to say my vagina IS SO HAPPY!!!! I’ve suffered with itching, redness, burning and discharge on and off for the past few years and this is always such a relief. Just wanted to put it out there for any new members looking for answers. There is hope! Also I’ve recently started taking goldenseal and oil of oregano capsules which I feel like have helped quite a bit as well
- Pau d'Arco Douche (candida/yeast/vaginal itching/vaginal burning) also in section 22 So in a facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
See section 22 (below) for topical suggestions and douching recipes.
Itching on the skin surrounding the vagina (vulva) can be caused by neurotoxins or dermatoxins. Basically, pathogens consume toxins or bad foods then excrete a dermatoxin which irritates the skin or neurotoxins which irritates nerves. The foundation of healing this ailment is celery juice (kill the pathogens and more), zinc (your body needs it to fight pathogens), heavy metal detox smoothie (remove metals), remove NO foods. I'm guessing that if you are experiencing an itch but no rash then it's probably a neurotoxin not a dermatoxin causing the itch. Please read section 4 (see section above) to heal your nerves.
TRUE STORY: All the things below are great. But once I got food poisoning and my vulva started itching a week later. It was REALLY bad. I tried almost everything below and it didn't work. Around that time MM just published Cleanse to Heal book. So I tried the simplified cleanse WHILE also consuming some of the things below for itchy skin. The itch was gone by day 3. Why? I'm guessing I had too much salt and fat in my system to properly flush out all the neurotoxins. I'm guessing when I removed the fat/salt and such it allowed my body to really flush out all the neurotoxins. So please keep that in mind. I talk about targeting while doing a Simplified Cleanse on post 16.
TRUE STORY: All the things below are great. But once I got food poisoning and my vulva started itching a week later. It was REALLY bad. I tried almost everything below and it didn't work. Around that time MM just published Cleanse to Heal book. So I tried the simplified cleanse WHILE also consuming some of the things below for itchy skin. The itch was gone by day 3. Why? I'm guessing I had too much salt and fat in my system to properly flush out all the neurotoxins. I'm guessing when I removed the fat/salt and such it allowed my body to really flush out all the neurotoxins. So please keep that in mind. I talk about targeting while doing a Simplified Cleanse on post 16.
- True Story, Cat's Claw: For sometime I couldn't get rid of an itch that I would experience on my vulva near the clitoris. I found after a few days of taking cat's claw took away the itch.
- True Story, Melon/Ginger/Flat Leaf Parsley Juice - this really helped some outside itch flares. Just drink it after celery juice and before breakfast or breakfast smoothie.
- True Story, Melon Slushie (blended melon with a little frozen pineapple) Don't use watermelon, sometimes it can be too cleansing. I love this drink and I found when I was on this regularly the vulva itch I was experiencing disappeared. I was already doing the MM basics and this was the only change I made to my protocol. Basically I would drink lemon water, then celery juice then melon slushie. This meant that my HMDS wasn't till the afternoon and pushed my lunch to around 2pm.
- True Story, Celery Juice and Cucumber/Flat-Leaf Parsley/Lemon Juice - This is a Facebook post from a member of our "Vulva Warrior MM" group:
- "Hi everyone! Just wanted to say that after 3 weeks of a vulva rash, it is easing up finally! Not gone but nothing compared to what it was. I had horrible maddening itching on my labia majora and it had red bumpy rash. Doctors diagnosed as dermatitis of some sort. With the advice of our wonderful advisors, I reached out to a MM professional and she agreed it sounded like all my vulvodynia and vaginal issues were EBV and SHINGLES.. so we are fighting those pathogens with food and supplements! Cucumber, parsley, lemon juice is amazing! It has become a craving for my body! And drinking celery juice daily for the last 2 weeks has helped tremendously!"
- True Story, Minced Garlic/Lime Juice/Honey/Grated Ginger (optional) - once I was itching on the outside and I found the minced garlic/little lime juice in honey really calmed down the itch. Take internally. So AW doesn't list itch relief under garlic but he does recommend garlic for eczema, psoriasis, SIBO, EBV, strep, neurological conditions. It made such a difference I put an alarm on my phone and had some every few hours for a few days. (see post 18 for recipe)
- True Story, Fresh Aloe Vera 2-4 inches/Turmeric - a lot/Fresh Orange Juice (blended together then juiced) - another time I had bad outside itching but at the same time I was bloated. I just assumed it was SIBO in the lower intestine that I never completely healed. So, I drank this miracle drink in the morning after LW, CJ and HMD and it REALLY relieved the itch all day till the evening. I kept doing this till it stopped flaring altogether. (I was also on berkey filtered water and off all NO foods). I also learned that if you suspect it's strep, them limit or eliminate your grains for a bit. Grains feed strep. Aloe Water (medicalmedium.com)
- True Story, Filtered Water - At this point my vagina had been happy for years after completing the bulk of my healing. I could cheat on bad food when I felt like it without symptoms flaring. I even gave birth to my daughter without medication cause she came out so fast. Then we moved to Ireland and my vagina just wasn't as happy. Long story short... their tap water is toxic. Turns out if I didn't change the filters in my Berkey water system every 6 months to a year my vagina would be angry and start getting irritated. If I took long baths the water would piss her off. So water, make sure it's super clean. When we lived in California she was fine with the bath water... so it honestly depends where you you. I'll be updating my water post soon. Essential: Changing Your Water Source
- Topical Treatments:
- True Story, Nettle Leaf Compress: This was posted by a member of our Vulva Warrior MM 369 Cleanse Facebook group. "I was experiencing itching for a week or so. I have been doing the Nettle Leaf tee as a compress for about 5 days and I have noticed a big improvement! itch was about a 5 before and now its gone! It also feels so good on my V. So soothing and calming. Not itchy now but still doing it because its just soo great! Thanks JJ K Tree for telling me about it! Her instructions: Make a batch of STRONG nettle leaf tea. soak a face cloth in it and hold it to your v for about 20 mins. (first doing do it for less time. Your V might not like it.) I like the tea to be quite warm. I put a towel underneath me so that it wont drip onto my bed." (Note: JJK Tree is the other coach on our group)
- True Story, Aloe Vera: Debbie sent me this story in a PM on FB on July 15, 2022 "I bought a fresh aloe leaf and cut off about 3-4 inches (not white part) to put in my HMDS then used part of the rest to put on my itchy vulva and the itch basically went away." It's a good idea to keep pieces of frozen fresh aloe in the freezer just in case. The cold really helps as well. Also... I'm sure HMDS also helped tremendously because vulva itch (with no rash) is caused by neurotoxins inflaming the nerves. Neurotoxins are created when a pathogen consumes a metal so if you remove metals and/or pathogens... tada! The itch fades as well (speaking from experience here)
- Best herbs/foods for itchy skin per LCF books: apricots, cherries, figs, melons, pomegranates, cucumbers (cucumber juice is great), rosemary, thyme, sage, rosehips. Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
12. Anal/Butt Itching, Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissures, Burning Buttholes
Anal Itching
These symptoms are so common in V land, I decided to add a little section on them here. According the Life Changing Foods book the following heals anal itching: papaya, kiwi, melon, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano. If it was me I would start the day with lemon water then celery juice. Then I would try to fit in more green drinks later in the morning, afternoon or evening.
When healing yourself with maradol papaya you need to eat
1/2 a day. I would recommend juicing it with celery, ultimate tummy
fixer too, per the Life Changing Foods book. I would also throw in cilantro or flat leaf parsley into your
green drink just to cover all your bases. Drink morning and night. Melon 1/2 a day after green drink.
Kiwi, 3 a day for one week at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, per LCF book. Obviously remove all NO foods. I would drink a tea concoction of a few of those mentioned above
3x a day while healing. Just throw fresh herbs in pot and let seep in
hot water for at least 15 minutes. When alleviating pain, I recommend making this the night before
then let it sit overnight so it's super strong and drink throughout the
day. Aloe vera water also cures any
sort of inflammation of the intestines and hemorrhoids. So you could
try that too. Make fresh, drink 2x day. I like to
add honey and lime to mine.
Read the excerpt below to understand why anal itching occurs.
Nettle Leaf Compress/Bath for an Itching/Burning Butthole
My friend's son who is 5 was experiencing a horrible itching and burning butthole. Poor thing! So I gave her advice from section 12 (above). I also recommended nettle leaf compresses. We live in Ireland and nettle grows everywhere here. So she went outside and picked a bunch of nettle leaf. She put the nettle into a laundry basket and placed it into their bathtub with hot water. She made a nettle leaf bath! She let that seep for 15 minutes. She removed the laundry basket/nettle and had her son sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. The next day she sent me this text "OMG! The nettle is potent! The skin already has healthy coating over most of the area. Thank you!!!!!" Boom. Nettle leaf. I'm guessing a nettle leaf tea bag on the butthole would be really healing as well.
Read the excerpt below to understand why anal itching occurs.
Nettle Leaf Compress/Bath for an Itching/Burning Butthole
My friend's son who is 5 was experiencing a horrible itching and burning butthole. Poor thing! So I gave her advice from section 12 (above). I also recommended nettle leaf compresses. We live in Ireland and nettle grows everywhere here. So she went outside and picked a bunch of nettle leaf. She put the nettle into a laundry basket and placed it into their bathtub with hot water. She made a nettle leaf bath! She let that seep for 15 minutes. She removed the laundry basket/nettle and had her son sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. The next day she sent me this text "OMG! The nettle is potent! The skin already has healthy coating over most of the area. Thank you!!!!!" Boom. Nettle leaf. I'm guessing a nettle leaf tea bag on the butthole would be really healing as well.
Burning Buttholes ;)
OK... so burning sensations are cause by neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are viral poop. When a virus consumes a metal/toxin/poison the process creates neurotoxins which inflame the nerves OR dermatoxins which make the skin dysfunctional (rashes, etc.). Sources: Medical Medium: True Cause Of Neurological Symptoms, Medical Medium: How Celery Juice Helps Heal Eczema & Psoriasis
In this radio show MM explains that when usually EBV or shingles living in the liver feed off metals/toxins (usually copper and lead deposits) the process creates dermatoxins which "goes right down and heads to the bladder area... and it tries to get out of the colon but it can end up in the anal area by the rectum, it can end up by the genitals...." (41 min) MM has talked about metals sinking in the body cause metals/toxins are heavier than the water in the body. Now MM is talking about dermatoxins in this radio show about lichen scelorsus but if your butthole is burning (and you don't have skin issues) I'm guessing that the neurotoxin followed a similar path.
OK... so burning sensations are cause by neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are viral poop. When a virus consumes a metal/toxin/poison the process creates neurotoxins which inflame the nerves OR dermatoxins which make the skin dysfunctional (rashes, etc.). Sources: Medical Medium: True Cause Of Neurological Symptoms, Medical Medium: How Celery Juice Helps Heal Eczema & Psoriasis
In this radio show MM explains that when usually EBV or shingles living in the liver feed off metals/toxins (usually copper and lead deposits) the process creates dermatoxins which "goes right down and heads to the bladder area... and it tries to get out of the colon but it can end up in the anal area by the rectum, it can end up by the genitals...." (41 min) MM has talked about metals sinking in the body cause metals/toxins are heavier than the water in the body. Now MM is talking about dermatoxins in this radio show about lichen scelorsus but if your butthole is burning (and you don't have skin issues) I'm guessing that the neurotoxin followed a similar path.
Here's a great tiktok on MM talking about burning skin. Basically pathogen plus toxins/metals/poisons. So focus on CJ and heavy metal detox smoothie to remove the toxins/metals to relieve burning sensations. Watch MM's tiktok video. Medical Medium (@medicalmedium) Official TikTok | Watch Medical Medium's Newest TikTok Videos
Please remember that itching, burning, tingling, numbness are all cause by neurological inflammation. Section 4 explains neurological inflammation deeper, see above. OK... so now we know that burning (and tingles and numbness) sensation are caused by neurotoxins inflaming the nerves. This means we need to remove metals/toxins and attack our viruses. At this point we're not quite sure if it's shingles or EBV. Both can cause burning skin.
If it was me this is what I would do upon arising: lemon water (clean out that liver each morning), followed by CJ (helps everything... calm down inflammation, aids in removing metals, explodes virus membranes, etc), followed by melon (MM recommends it for itching buttholes... see post 18 for great melon slushie ideas), HMDS (this is a must), followed by an apple (cause the pectin in apples help carry out the toxins that have been uprooted).
Per MM LCF book papayas specialize in heal burning sensations and itching buttholes, so I would be eating 1/2 of one each day. Get the maradol papayas, they are the big ones. The small ones have been contaminated with GMOs. In America I find them in Mexican stores and in Europe I find them in Asian stores. A great drink would be CJ blended with papaya. Add coconut water to strengthen it. You could try adding flat leaf parsley cause it alkalizes and also removes metals. Or you could add papaya to your HMDS. I would also try my favorite green juice for burning sensations: celery/cucumber/cilantro or flat leaf parsley cause it calms down the nerves. (I like to add a little lemon juice)
Radishes heal burning sensations as well per LCF book. One woman juiced it swore it really helped her ing. So MM currently (as of July 2022) hasn't made any specific recommendations for burning buttholes but he recommends the following for anal itching (remember itching is neurological as well): papaya, kiwi, melon, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano.
Cats claw kills shingles, strep, EBV and specializes in burning sensations per LCF book. Don't take cats claw if you are trying to get pregnant or trying to get pregnant, FYI. But don't let that statement scare you. I took it for 2 years, stopped taking it for 2 months and got pregnant with my daughter who is now 3. She is one of the biggest joys of my life and I am deeply grateful for healing so I could have her.
Please remember that itching, burning, tingling, numbness are all cause by neurological inflammation. Section 4 explains neurological inflammation deeper, see above. OK... so now we know that burning (and tingles and numbness) sensation are caused by neurotoxins inflaming the nerves. This means we need to remove metals/toxins and attack our viruses. At this point we're not quite sure if it's shingles or EBV. Both can cause burning skin.
If it was me this is what I would do upon arising: lemon water (clean out that liver each morning), followed by CJ (helps everything... calm down inflammation, aids in removing metals, explodes virus membranes, etc), followed by melon (MM recommends it for itching buttholes... see post 18 for great melon slushie ideas), HMDS (this is a must), followed by an apple (cause the pectin in apples help carry out the toxins that have been uprooted).
Per MM LCF book papayas specialize in heal burning sensations and itching buttholes, so I would be eating 1/2 of one each day. Get the maradol papayas, they are the big ones. The small ones have been contaminated with GMOs. In America I find them in Mexican stores and in Europe I find them in Asian stores. A great drink would be CJ blended with papaya. Add coconut water to strengthen it. You could try adding flat leaf parsley cause it alkalizes and also removes metals. Or you could add papaya to your HMDS. I would also try my favorite green juice for burning sensations: celery/cucumber/cilantro or flat leaf parsley cause it calms down the nerves. (I like to add a little lemon juice)
Radishes heal burning sensations as well per LCF book. One woman juiced it swore it really helped her ing. So MM currently (as of July 2022) hasn't made any specific recommendations for burning buttholes but he recommends the following for anal itching (remember itching is neurological as well): papaya, kiwi, melon, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano.
Cats claw kills shingles, strep, EBV and specializes in burning sensations per LCF book. Don't take cats claw if you are trying to get pregnant or trying to get pregnant, FYI. But don't let that statement scare you. I took it for 2 years, stopped taking it for 2 months and got pregnant with my daughter who is now 3. She is one of the biggest joys of my life and I am deeply grateful for healing so I could have her.
Vimergy's propolis is ideal cause it kills everything and specializes in neurological issues. Magnesium glycinate and lysine to calm down the nerves. See section 4 as well. Zinc every 2 hours for a few days to get you started. Zinc. Zinc. Zinc. B12 (more than normal) for nerves. Nettle leaf, lemon balm, licorice root for neurological inflammation.
Nettle Leaf Compress/Bath for an Itching/Burning Butthole
My friend's son who is 5 was experiencing a horrible itching and burning butthole. Poor thing! So I gave her advice from section 12 (above). I also recommended nettle leaf compresses. We live in Ireland and nettle grows everywhere here. So she went outside and picked a bunch of nettle leaf. She put the nettle into a laundry basket and placed it into their bathtub with hot water. She made a nettle leaf bath! She let that seep for 15 minutes. She removed the laundry basket/nettle and had her son sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. The next day she sent me this text "OMG! The nettle is potent! The skin already has healthy coating over most of the area. Thank you!!!!!" Boom. Nettle leaf. I'm guessing a nettle leaf tea bag on the butthole would be really healing as well.
Hemorrhoids, Polyps and Fissures
Excert form IBS (medicalmedium.com) "IBS results when the colon is lined with pathogenic waste product, elevated levels of strep, E. coli, other pathogenic varieties, rotting food that wasn’t digested properly due to low bile and hydrochloric acid, and ammonia gas. Contributing to it all are unproductive foods that feed the condition—for example, dense fats and proteins that bile and hydrochloric acid can’t break down anymore entering the intestines and feeding pathogens rapidly, then reaching the colon, the final dumping ground for the mess. Inflammation that prompts pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea results, and even hemorrhoids, polyps, and fissures can form from the strain, as well as an itchy rectum from the irritation."
13. Chronic UTIs & Bladder Problems
13A. Interstitial Cystitis
Please read section 13 (above) before reading the information below.
I recommend to only buy these particular brands of supplements that Anthony William recommends. I have tried other brands and Anthony William was right, other brands don't work nearly as good or not at all as the ones he has personally picked. No one is getting paid for these recommendations, just FYI. When buying herbs, we have found as a community that tinctures work much stronger than the teas for things like nettle leaf, cat's claw, etc.
Epstein Barr Info
Listen to this one first. EBV likes to latch on to broken nerve endings which continues to inflame them. It also creates a slime the strep likes to live in. He argues that 90% of pelvic inflammation is caused by strep.
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: pelvic inflammation, muscle pain, painful tender points, tingling, numbness, burning.
Strep Info
He argues 90% of pelvic inflammation cases are caused by strep. So this show is a must
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: pelvic inflammation, burning, vaginal pain, vaginal discharge, vaginal bacterial infection, UTI
*Please note that if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant do not take Cat's Claw.
Shingles Info
This is the other virus that he argues can also cause vaginal burning inside and out, without or without rashes. He describes this burning as excruciating. I had both. Ugh. I would also recommend getting his first book titled 'Medical Medium' and reading the chapter on shingles.
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: intense vaginal burning (inside/outside with or without rashes)
UTI Info
Many V sufferers also battle UTIs. This show also covers many lady part problems and how to calm down inflammation with ice.
Heavy Metal Detox Info
Strep feeds on metals so you will also need to detox the metals in your system as well. Just one more smoothie during the day.
Candida Info
Healing Your Nerves
Don't be scared to eat your fruit!
Birth Control/Contraceptives
So I wasn't quite sure where to put this so I'm leaving the link here. This is written by Muneeza who is an experienced MM health coach. Birth Control - Good, Bad, & Ugly - Muneeza Ahmed
Medical Medium
Life-Changing Foods
Thyroid Healing
Liver Rescue
Nettle Leaf Compress/Bath for an Itching/Burning Butthole
My friend's son who is 5 was experiencing a horrible itching and burning butthole. Poor thing! So I gave her advice from section 12 (above). I also recommended nettle leaf compresses. We live in Ireland and nettle grows everywhere here. So she went outside and picked a bunch of nettle leaf. She put the nettle into a laundry basket and placed it into their bathtub with hot water. She made a nettle leaf bath! She let that seep for 15 minutes. She removed the laundry basket/nettle and had her son sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. The next day she sent me this text "OMG! The nettle is potent! The skin already has healthy coating over most of the area. Thank you!!!!!" Boom. Nettle leaf. I'm guessing a nettle leaf tea bag on the butthole would be really healing as well.
Hemorrhoids, Polyps and Fissures
Excert form IBS (medicalmedium.com) "IBS results when the colon is lined with pathogenic waste product, elevated levels of strep, E. coli, other pathogenic varieties, rotting food that wasn’t digested properly due to low bile and hydrochloric acid, and ammonia gas. Contributing to it all are unproductive foods that feed the condition—for example, dense fats and proteins that bile and hydrochloric acid can’t break down anymore entering the intestines and feeding pathogens rapidly, then reaching the colon, the final dumping ground for the mess. Inflammation that prompts pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea results, and even hemorrhoids, polyps, and fissures can form from the strain, as well as an itchy rectum from the irritation."
Recommendations for hemorrhoids from Life Changing Foods: Wild blueberries, avocados, bananas, grapes, potatoes, aloe vera, rose hips.
If I had hemorrhoids I would be drinking lemon water upon arising, celery juice, HMD smoothie, no fat til noon, aloe vera water 2x a day, at least 4-5 cups of leafy greens a day, goldenseal 2x a day, melon juice in the morning if I could fit it in. Remove all NO foods. Some of the recommendations below. Basically fruits and veggies till it all passes.
If I had hemorrhoids I would be drinking lemon water upon arising, celery juice, HMD smoothie, no fat til noon, aloe vera water 2x a day, at least 4-5 cups of leafy greens a day, goldenseal 2x a day, melon juice in the morning if I could fit it in. Remove all NO foods. Some of the recommendations below. Basically fruits and veggies till it all passes.
Recommendations for hemorrhoids from MM on Facebook: Aloe vera (soothes and stops the growth); Cayenne pepper (provides relief); Cleavers (beneficial); Collard greens (particularly beneficial); Echinacea topical (beneficial to reduce pain and swelling); Goldenseal root (effective to treat); Gotu Kola (effective for); Leafy greens (help heal); Meadowsweet topical (beneficial); Mullein (beneficial); Purslane (beneficial, heals); Red root salve/cream topically (treats); Selfheal poultice/salve topical (aids healing of)
13. Chronic UTIs & Bladder Problems
Per Cleanse to Heal: UTIs and bladder infections are caused by "one or more strains from the over 50 groups of Strepococcus bacteria either causing an acute infection for the first time or hiding inside the liver long term, creating one of more of these problems chronically... Strep often causes symptoms near menstruation, as your overall immune system lowers... 80 percent goes toward protecting your uterus and ovaries" (Page 549)
"Someone with SIBO (strep in intestinal tract) has a very good chance of having a history (of strep) acne, sinus infections, UTIs, yeast infections, bladder infections... any of which might have been treated with antibiotics that allowed the strep that survived the antibiotics to strengthen over time and make a home in the gut and throughout the body." (Cleanse to Heal, page 549) To understand strep in your intestines better, please scroll up and read sections 9A and 9AA.
If you are battling chronic UTIs, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis then it's probably safe to assume that you have strep hiding in your liver and intestinal tract as well. This means that if you are experiencing chronic UTI or similar issues, your protocol should ALSO be targeting strep in these areas. This sucks but it’s also good to know that if you have strep, assume you also have EBV. EBV creates a slime in your body that strep thrives in. See section 1. Please don't be overwhelmed... most of the recommendations below tackle all of this together.
Per Cleanse to Heal book: Supplements/Herbs to heal UTIs, Bladder Infection, Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis (Please read the SIBO Connection section above):
- celery juice, aloe vera water, amla berry, barley juice grass powder, cat's claw (not while pregnant or trying to get pregnant) - 3 dropperfuls 2x a day, chaga mushroom - 2 teaspoons, d-mannose - 1 tablespoon - 4x a day (see testimony below), goldenseal - 4 dropperfuls 2x a day (2 weeks on 2 weeks off), hibiscus, lemon balm, lomatium root, mullein leaf, olive leaf, oregon grape root raw honey, rose hips, thyme, vitamin C - 6 capsules 2x a day, zinc - 2 dropperfuls, 2x a day
- Note: I purposely did not include all dosage amounts because you'll need to do more than take a few supplements. Please buy the Cleanse to Heal book and it explains all
If it was me I would also add the following to this protocol: increase celery juice, cat’s claw is the “ultimate UTI alleviating herb and fundamental tool of our time” (Cleanse to Heal book, 186), goldenseal - 4 dropperfuls 2x a day (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off), d-mannose - 1 tablespoon, 4x a day, MM's cranberry water, MM's aloe water 2x a day or fresh aloe pieces. raspberry leaf and nettle leaf tea because it strengthens nettle. Zinc shock therapy and vitamin C shock therapy. In 2022, MM started recommending vimergy’s propolis and called it a game changer for UTIs and such. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbYw2EbtKax/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Also remember to keep up with the MM basics: lemon water (from a clean water source see post 14. Also... lemon is healing but can be too abrasive for some, per MM, then drink ginger water) CJ, HMDS, off NO foods, no/low fat mornings.
Upgrade Your Water
One of the most important things I did was upgrade my water. Years before MM I figured out that my urethra would start burning after drinking tap water. Please read post 14 (click on directory top of this page) for an entire post about water.
If it was me, I would ALSO be targeting the strep in my intestines. My favorite recommendations are celery juice, fresh aloe vera water, papaya, papaya blended with CJ. Fresh orange juice blended with parsley (not juiced) and a little frozen pineapple so it's not super gross, apples (not juiced... you need the pectin but you need like 3 apples a day). So just blend into sauce. Melon slushies (see post 18), pears (pear sauce), potatoes, thyme tea, cat's claw, garlic/ginger/honey concoction (post 18), chaga with honey, sweet potatoes.
Healing UTI's According to MM's radio show on UTIs:
Most UTIs are caused by strep. The following feed these viruses: dairy, corn, canola oil, eggs. And don't eat wheat. Canola oil really does scar the bladder. Animal proteins feed this virus, so limit animal products. Limit fats altogether while fighting pain. Too many grains is not good for UTI, so try to limit grains. Muneeza (an experienced MM practitioner) talks about step and grains in theses posts Grains and Beans and Strep, Oh my! [Part 1] - Muneeza Ahmed and Grains and Beans and Strep, Oh my! [Part 2] - Muneeza Ahmed.
Healing Bladder Problems According to AW's Life Changing Foods book:
UTI: wild blueberries, apples, avocados, cherries, figs, lemon limes (but if you're in pain these might aggravate the pain even though they help, trust your intuition), mangos, melons, oranges, tangerines, papaya, celery juice, cruciferous vegetables, onion, sweet potatoes, cat's claw, (ultimate UTI killer), cilantro, garlic, lemon balm, licorice root, parsley, raspberry leaf, aloe vera water, coconut, dandelion. MM started recommending vimergy’s propolis and called it a game changer for UTIs and such. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbYw2EbtKax/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Bladder infections: berries, cherries, cranberries, Cranberry Water, papaya, garlic, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, aloe vera water (I like to add honey and lime, drink 2x a day), MM started recommending vimergy’s propolis and called it a game changer for bladder infections and such. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbYw2EbtKax/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Spastic Bladder: cherries, papaya, ginger
Bladder pain: rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, papaya
Bladder cancer: cherries, asparagus, celery juice, dulse, chaga, rosehips
Bladder prolapse: cherries, raspberry leaf, nettle leaf
Urinary Urgency: dates, artichokes, lemon balm, coconut, asparagus
Incontinence: nettle leaf, papaya, horsetail
Urinary Retention: ginger
Urinary Frequency: ginger, lemon balm, (nighttime specifically) Nettle Leaf (medicalmedium.com)
Foods that heal UTI (according to MM's UTI radio show): WILD blueberries (they are much stronger than cranberries), raspberries, strawberries, cranberries Cranberry Water (medicalmedium.com), cucumber juice or lemon water (lemon may burn a little going out), garlic (strep cannot get resistant to this), red/purple grapes, arugula, lettuce and spinach. Asparagus is a secret weapon-cleanses it all, lower yeast. Kiwis really help, eat at least 3 of them a day. Thyme tea is a big deal/secret weapon to propel you away from chronic UTIs. Ginger is really good for healing incontinence.
Rinsing: A Simple Daily Step (that might help):
First, every time you pee you should be rinsing your urethra and most of your lady parts with filtered water. Just keep a glass jar of water (with a lid) by your toilet. This helps to close your urethra and to push out any bacteria. I learned this from an acupuncturist years ago. It feels great too. This simple step prevented about 80% of my UTIs. I discuss rinsing in depth on Post 12.
- Healing UTI, D-mannose: So my mother is not an MMer. She does what she can and avoids some NO foods. She has a history of chronic UTIs and since she is getting older they have become more frequent. She drinks CJ sometimes and stays off eggs and gluten. She does her best but they kept returning. She had been taking D-mannose for about a year but her UTIs kept flaring and her urethra burned and was irritated. So I recommended that she increase her dosage of D-mannose. She was previously on 1000mg (2 capsules) morning and night. After our conversation she added another 2 teaspoons (4000mg) of D-mannose powder in the afternoon. Then all the urethra pain/burn/irritation just faded, the same day. Just like that. Wild. She's still takes it 3x a day. If you review MM's dosage recommendations for D-mannose you will notice that he recommends 1 TABLESPOON in water 4 TIMES A DAY! That's a lot of D-mannose.
- Healing UTI, Zinc Shock Therapy: Santana posted "I took a lot of nettle tea and did vitamin c and zinc shock therapy when I had mine (UTI) in April." She goes on to say "I just did it until I felt better. Maybe 3-5-7 days." She stated this in Jennifer's post dated September 3, 2022. When healing a UTI remember it's caused by a bacteria (strep) which likes to live in the slime that EBV (a virus) creates.
- Healing Frequent Urination: In our Facebook group, Linda commented on Sarah's November 3, 2022 post "For the longest time I was getting up every hour (it was exhausting) slowly that changed to every 2 hours and now with the constant assistance of goldenseal it's every 3 or 4... I've been on Goldenseal almost straight for years. I am able to go off for maybe a month but go right back on. It's the only thing that brings me relief. Years ago I couldn't even take it because it hurt so bad when urinating. I was told it was the strep coming out - not sure how true that statement was. It's been a strange journey for sure....Sarah Bear and JJ K Tree were really spot on with the encouraging words of being strict with food. Strict is NOT in my vocabulary, I am an artist and float with the wind and in healing IC, UTI's my temperament does not match with strict. I have had to sit down with myself and this "thing" and had a dark night of the soul. There isn't anything that drives my healing more forward than being very strict with food. Saturn is the task master and Saturn is no where in my chart but believing what they said and calling in discipline from the unknown angels I have spurts where I am spot on with all my food/juices and my body celebrates! But then I have to let the grip of discipline release because it's like Kryptonite to my creative soul and I become exhausted from trying so hard ... but it works. So I spurt to heal ... and will continue to do so. 🙏 very grateful for being pushed in the right direction.... yes, it's vimergy. Vimergy's shipping can take sometimes up to 10 days so in a pinch I do use Nature's Answer non-alcohol. Where I am I can get that one in 2 days. As far as dosage, it depends. Sometimes I follow what AW has in the Cleanse to Heal book, but sometimes that feels like to much for me so I stretch it out over 3x a day rather than 2x and I'll do 3 droppers 3x a day. Now I'm at 2 droppers 2x a day sometimes 3 droppers once a day. I dose depending on the heat, pain, frequency etc. Most likely that's the wrong way - I don't know ... I need to schedule an appointment with a practioner .... once we get another tax rebate.😉"
According to Anthony William cystitis is scar tissue on the bladder lining that stems from streptococcus being in the bladder for an extended period of time.
- Recommendations per radio show: zinc (must for this), grapeseed extract, monolaurin, elderberry water/tea 3x a day is a secret weapon, nettle leaf is another secret weapon long term every day to build immunity, cranberry extract, wild blueberries, ester C with calcium ascorbate won't irritate the urethra (ascorbic acid would hurt it). B12 for pudendal nerve.
- Recommendations per Facebook: chaga mushroom with honey (anti-inflammatory), cleavers (reduce swelling and pain), cranberries, goldenseal, nettle leaf, Pau D'Arco (highly beneficial).
- Recommendations per Life Changing Foods book: artichokes, celery juice, lemon balm, nettleleaf.
- Good recipe: Cranberry Water (medicalmedium.com)
- During a 2020 TikTok AW recommends the Cleanse to Heal book and the supplements listed in this book to heal UTIs for cystitis:
- celery juice
- aloe vera water - 2 inches daily
- amla berry
- barley juice grass powder
- cat's claw (NOT while pregnant or trying to get pregnant) - 3 dropperfuls
- chaga mushroom
- d-mannose - 1T 4x a day
- goldenseal - 4 dropperfuls 2x a day
- hibiscus
- lemon balm
- lomatium root
- mullein leaf
- olive leaf
- oregon grape root
- raw honey
- rose hips
- thyme
- vitamin C
- zinc
13B. Overactive Bladder
Please read section 13 (above) before reading the information below.
Please read section 13 (above) before reading the information below.
According to Anthony William in the Cleanse to Heal book he states that overactive bladder is caused by chronic inflammation to low-grade infection either in years past or present from one or more 50 stains of streptococcus and/or virus of EBV. Usually both are present and neurotoxins that the virus releases irritate the lining of the bladder while bacteria nestle into the bladder lining. (Cleanse to Heal page 535)
- Celery Juice
- Aloe Vera Water
- Barley Juice Grass Powder
- Cat's Claw
- Curcumin
- D-mannose
- Lemon balm
- Licorice Root
- L-lysine
- Magnesium glycinate
- Melatonin
- Monolaurin
- Mullein leaf
- Nascent Iodine
- Nettle leaf
- Oregano oil
- Oregon grape root
- Raspberry leaf
- Raw honey
- Schisandra berry
- Spirulina
- B12 (adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin)
- Vitamin C
- Zinc
- Note: I purposely did not include dosage amounts because you'll need to do more than take a few supplements. Please buy the Cleanse to Heal book and it explains all.
MM started recommending vimergy’s propolis and called it a game changer for UTIs and such. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbYw2EbtKax/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
13B. Incontinence
Incontinence is caused by a pudendal nerve spasm/inflammation making bladder spastic. (MM radio show July 20, 2015). The nerves are inflamed because of most likely strep/EBV. (Strep is a bacteria that likes to live in the slime that EBV creates. If you have strep issues assume you also have EBV). Per MM, incontinence is NOT a muscle issue like conventional medicine believes.
MM Recommendations Specifically for Incontinence:
Per Life Changings Foods: Nettle, Papaya
Per Blog Post: Horsetail, Cherries, Ginger
Per Blog Post (for bladder inflammation): Lemon Balm
Shock Therapies for nerve inflammation/inflamed pudendal nerve/incontinence:
B12 Shock Therapy - good for neurological inflammation. Take 2 droppers every 3 hours while awake
Propolis Shock Therapy - good for bladder infections, UTI, neurological symptoms. 4 droppers in ounce of water or juice every 3 hours while awake.
Lemon Balm Shock Therapy - good for neurological issues. 4 dropperfuls in ounce of water/juice every 3 hours while awake.
If it was me this is what I would do: lemon ginger water (if lemon is too hard then just ginger), celery juice (essential cause it calms down inflammation of bladder. I would do a second CJ at night), heavy metal detox smoothie (followed by a glass of coconut water, see post 23 for the reason for this). I would pick 1 or 2 of the shock therapies above and do those but if I increased by anti-virals, then I would follow up with a flushing drink to help with detox (coconut water, cucumber/parsley juice, CJ, ginger lemon water, etc). Blend papaya with celery in the afternoon. Makes papaya super powerful. Tea concoction: nettle, horsetail, ginger, lemon balm (either focus on one or pick 3). Add cherries and ginger to my HMDS smoothies. Foundational supps: zinc, micro C. Zinc shock therapy would also be great.
If you get stuck, consider doing a simplified cleanse WHILE targeting your ailment with these specific recommendations. Your body might just need cleaner blood to help flush things out. See post 22.
Story Time: When my son was 5 he started peeing his pants at school everyday. He didn't really care but he was too old for this to be happening. I asked him about it and he said he didn't know he was peeing his pants till afterwards. I started him on CJ consistently and B12 in the morning. If we skipped CJ, he would pee his pants. If we skipped B12, he would pee his pants. We were consistent for about a year. If we missed CJ or B12, he would pee his pants but if he took both each morning, he didn't have an accident. In my experience, MM was right. It's caused by nerve inflammation. If I were to do it again I would have hit it harder with propolis and lemon balm, I didn't know about those till years later. He was already doing HMDS.
14. Menstrual Problems
Story Time: When my son was 5 he started peeing his pants at school everyday. He didn't really care but he was too old for this to be happening. I asked him about it and he said he didn't know he was peeing his pants till afterwards. I started him on CJ consistently and B12 in the morning. If we skipped CJ, he would pee his pants. If we skipped B12, he would pee his pants. We were consistent for about a year. If we missed CJ or B12, he would pee his pants but if he took both each morning, he didn't have an accident. In my experience, MM was right. It's caused by nerve inflammation. If I were to do it again I would have hit it harder with propolis and lemon balm, I didn't know about those till years later. He was already doing HMDS.
14. Menstrual Problems
Many women with vulvodynia (including myself when I was fighting pain) would experience an increase of V pain around the time of menstruation. AW argues that 80% of your immunity goes to your reproduction system leaving you with only 20% of your immunity to deal with these ongoing viruses. So around the time of your period plan to increase your zinc to boost your immunity. You can also increase everything you are doing to target your specific pain as well as celery juice, raw honey, raw garlic, raw onion, raw ginger shots, thyme tea, ginger water, cats claw, vitamin C, etc.
It would also be ideal to see your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis if you can because horrible menstrual cramps could be caused by endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, cervical stenosis, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or as I like to call it "fuck you strep/EBV." Some of these ailments are listed above. Now if you are aiming to heal one of these issues MM's protocols are slightly different for each one (although MM foundation is always the same... CJ, HMDS, no no foods, zinc, B12, micro C, low fat, cleanses etc.) and it will save you time targeting the correct ailment.
Anthony William published a great section on cysts that are located in the lady parts in Cleanse to Heal book. MM argues that these cysts can develop when a virus (like EBV) consumes toxins (like heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals in conventional cleaning products, etc.) and then releases more toxic compounds (he has referred to this as virus poop) that denature and injure healthy cells. Injured cells form into living scar tissue with the virus trapped inside. The cyst is how the body protects itself making sure the problems happens within the cyst. While trapped the virus works to survive and begins to draw fuel from outside to feed it. Cysts feed on high fat/high protein diet, dairy products, gluten, toxins, eggs, etc. Eggs are a leading fuel for cysts.
- 14A - Menstrual Cramps: calendula, mullein, chamomile, oatstraw, nettle leaf, red clover, Raspberry Leaf (medicalmedium.com) Note: nettle leaf strengthens raspberry leaf, so it's good to take them together
- Muneeza (a top MM coach) wrote a great post with lots of recommendations on menstrual cramping. Facebook
- True Healing Story: In our facebook group Billie posted around April 7, 2023 "I've been regular on some of these (referring to Muneeza's Facebook post above) I've recently tried mullein and ginger tinctures (together with lemon balm and licorice) they helped with cramping."
- 14B - PMS Symptoms
- Foods: apples, avocados, cranberries, grapes, asparagus, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cucumbers, leafy greens,
- Herbs: licorice root, nettle leaf (pain & cramping), Raspberry Leaf, (medicalmedium.com) Note: nettle leaf strengthens raspberry leaf, so it's good to take them together
- Fennel also has the ability to ease and regulate menstruation by regulating hormonal action properly in the body. Fennel (medicalmedium.com)
- Vitex (aka chaste tree berry or chasteberry (capsule, tincture (alochol free) or tea - "help balance menstrual cycles, decrease occurrence of hot flashes, reduce PMS symptoms including headaches, bloating, irritability, breast sensitivity, fatigue and depression"
- Good recipe: Cranberry Water (medicalmedium.com)
- Other herbs:
- Yarrow is known to help increase circulation and menstrual flow without cramping making it an ideal remedy for PMS.
- Oatstraw is also great for easing the effects of a menstrual cycle and for relieving cramps and bloating.
- 14C - Abnormal Menstrual Periods
- "Inconsistent menstrual flows and cycles can occur for a few different reasons, none of them thyroid-related. The first common reason is due to a chronic infection of EBV in the uterus and ovaries. Remember, in the second phase of Stage Two EBV, the virus can enter the reproductive organs. Whether it’s to the point of causing uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts yet or not, the virus’s presence can disrupt the normal function of the reproductive system. Adrenal dysfunction caused by EBV is another possible explanation if you experience inconsistent menstrual cycles. Also, a diet too high in protein, fat, dairy, and eggs can cause menstruation issues." Abnormal Menstrual Periods (medicalmedium.com)
- MM has also mentioned that it can be caused by a diet too high in protein, fat, dairy and eggs.
- Amber Whiting who is an MM Holistic Coach (see post 7 for more info) wrote a great post on abnormal menstrual periods.
- Muneeza (an experienced MM coach) wrote a brief article about it as well
- Another cause per MM could be EBV which got into the reproductive system along with strep, viral byproduct, toxic heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, etc. The heavier the cycles the more problems in the reproductive system. The cycle is to clean everything out. When you cleanse, your cycles become lighter including no bleeding (because the uterus doesn't need to shed). The more toxins we have the heavier the period and more work for the uterus.
- Recommendations: raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, lemon balm, goldenseal
- Foods: berries, fennel, rosehips (regulate menstrual flow), sage (regulates), turmeric (regulates cycles), wild blueberries, berries, fruit in genery, HMD, spirulina, avoid NO foods
- If this was me, I would try the following protocol: lemon water upon waking, celery juice 24-32 ounces, heavy metal detox smoothie (if you don't like HMD then see my Recipe Directory for options) or ingredients, apple shortly after smoothie (the pectin helps to catch the toxins released from the liver by the HMD). Sweet potato bowl for lunch (it's really good at healing reproductive organs). Another green drink with flat leaf parsley, see the note above. Tea concoction would be rosehips, raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, lemon balm. Lemon water during the day as well. Make sure you have also addressed your water source, see post 14. Also zinc, Micro C, L-lysine, B12. Focus on lowering fats till 4pm or so.
- 14D - Heavy Menstrual Cycle/Long Menstrual Cycle
- According to Muneeza's blog post (see link below) she states that it is caused by pathogens (EBV, strep, shingles) and viral products that got into the reproductive system along with metals and toxins. She says that the heavier your cycle, the more troublemakers are in your reproductive system. The purpose of a menstruation cycle is to cleanse. Your uterus is trying to eliminate these troublemakers. This statement is wild "if you have been cleansing and trying to eliminate these pathogens from your body, your cycle will become lighter. You can even reach the point of no bleeding because the uterus does not have to shed - it does so to remove toxins."
- The Mysteries of Menstruation & Menopause - Why All The Drama? | Muneeza Ahmed
- If you are unfamiliar with Muneeza's work she is one of the top MM coaches. She has been with him the longest and created an MM practitioners program.
- I would personally use the protocol below if I was dealing with heavy or long lasting menstrual cycles. The protocol below is based on MMs fibroid protocol. In conventional medicine, fibroids can cause heavy cycles and/or longer than normal periods. (As of 2022, I have not heard of MM making specific recommendations for long periods. If I missed it or if he does address it specifically, I'll update this section. For now, I'm going to group it into heavy menstrual cycles)
- So the foundation of heavy menstrual cycle comes from pathogens and metals/toxins in the reproductive system (see above). Now we'll probably need to get creative when creating a protocol cause I don't think MM has provided recommendations yet for heavy menstruation (July 2020). What's close though is fibroids. Fibroids are also caused by EBV and/or strep feeding on toxins/metals in the reproductive system. Heavy menstrual bleeding is an extremely conventional common symptom of fibroids. So... I would try the fibroid protocol because it's a protocol to heal from pathogens/metals in the reproductive system, Cleanse to Heal page 512. MM recommends a bunch of stuff in there and other recommendations for fibroids in Life Changing Foods book.
- Side note: I've had to piece together protocols a lot in my own healing journey... if I couldn't find a specific MM protocol I would gather other MM protocols that he recommended for ailments related to mine. You honestly won't know your hunch is right till you try it
- If it was me, this is what I would do: upon arising (lemon water to clean out the liver), celery juice (lower inflammation, destroys virus membranes, helps to detox toxins/metals), heavy metal detox smoothie, apple (pectin helps gather the dislodges toxins and expel them).
- Cherries is important cause they "remove toxins from the uterus and the rest of the reproductive system." In our community we found cherry smoothies made with cherry juice to be extremely beneficial. This would ideal cause cherries also heal anemia which is common in those with heavy menstruation. Start slow on the cherries just in case cause they can be super cleansing... per MM.
- MM food recommendations for fibroids or pathogens/metals in the reproductive system: berries, wild blueberries are best (wbb juice would be great), grapes (grape slushies would be great... freeze then blend), mango and mango smoothies, asparagus (asparagus juice with celery is powerful and also tastes super gross... try adding lemon juice), sprouts (at least a cup a day), cilantro (try making salsa or juice it with an afternoon green juice), turmeric (I like to blend tumeric roots with OJ and strain).
- My favorite MM teas/supplement recommendations for fibroids or pathogens/metals in the reproductive system: celery juice, aloe vera (freshly made), barley juice grass powder, cats claw, chaga (warm chaga with honey), curcumin, dmannose, goldenseal, hibiscus, lemon balm, llysine, nascent iodine, nettle leaf, raw honey, raspberry leaf, spirulina, turmeric, B12, micro C, zinc.
- I would do a tea concoction of raspberry/nettle/red clover/lemon balm (it would be great for anemia too)
- Anemia: I also had to heal anemia and it tends to flare when I have my period. Why? Cause your immunity drops around the time of menstruation allowing for EBV to flare and consume your iron (EBV likes to eat metal, per MM). You also lose blood during your period. I had to heal anemia while I was pregnant so I have a lot of experience with this. You'll notice many of the anemia recommendations also heal pathogens/toxins in the uterus above.
- My anemia favourites and MM recommendations: sprouts (large cup a day), spirulina, cherry smoothies, grape smoothies, apricots (dried are just as good... which is rare in the fruit world), cranberry juice (see MMs recipe), leafy green smoothies, asparagus. An asparagus, leafy green, sprouts (add some celery and little lemon) juice would be super powerful. Gross but powerful ;) Tea concoctions of nettle, red clover, raspberry leaf, 2-3 a day. (I was pregnant at the time so I didn't drink the tea but I've had small waves of anemia after pregnancy and they really help.
- Also... MM recommended a iron supplement years ago but the manufacturer must have added a weird ingredient cause MM removed his recommendation. If you are looking for a supplement make sure it doesn't contain animal products/by products cause EBV consuming iron from animal sources.
- 14E - Intermittent Vaginal Bleeding
- Cranberries, turmeric (LCF book)
- 14F - Period Pain
- Muneeza wrote about menstrual cycle issues on this post. She worked with Anthony William and is also an MM coach. See post 7 or her website/instagram for more information about her.
- 14G - True Story: Healing Heavy and Irregular Periods - Angie posted this on our Facebook group on Septmber 10, 2020: "Hello!! I just have to post because I’m so dang proud of my body! 🙌 History: at age 12 I was put on birth control because my periods were so heavy I was taking too many bathroom trips during school. I was on birth control from 12 to 36 years old. From 22-36 I was on the birth control for a period every 3 months because IC symptoms were worsened by my period. At 36 learning about MM, I decided to stop birth control. I also have PCOS. When I stopped everything went wonky, no periods for months, when I did have one it would be weeks long. They started to get sort of regular as in closer to monthly but really heavy and long, then I got hit with the C twice. Back to wonky town. I am 6 months post C for the second time, and my periods are NOW NORMAL!!!! They arrive THE EXACT DAY they’re supposed to (I use a period tracker), they are light, and only last 4ish days!!!!! My hormonal switches happen EXACTLY on time for ovulation and everything! The tracker has been super helpful for understanding this. I cannot believe that I am writing this!!! At 38 years old my cycle is finally normal!! I’ve been on MM about 3 years pretty seriously for lyme, RA, shingles, etc. I haven’t had children yet, but I’m making damn sure my body will be ready when the time is right!! I also regularly drink raspberry leaf tea. I am just so PROUD! Now if I can regulate the moodiness that would be amazing WOOHOO!"
15. Cysts (uterine, ovarian, vaginal, cervical)
Anthony William published a great section on cysts that are located in the lady parts in Cleanse to Heal book. MM argues that these cysts can develop when a virus (like EBV) consumes toxins (like heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals in conventional cleaning products, etc.) and then releases more toxic compounds (he has referred to this as virus poop) that denature and injure healthy cells. Injured cells form into living scar tissue with the virus trapped inside. The cyst is how the body protects itself making sure the problems happens within the cyst. While trapped the virus works to survive and begins to draw fuel from outside to feed it. Cysts feed on high fat/high protein diet, dairy products, gluten, toxins, eggs, etc. Eggs are a leading fuel for cysts.
Note: He has an entire DIFFERENT section and recommendations for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in CTH book. Now it seems that the difference between PCOS and an ovarian cyst is that those with PCOS also have issues with their menstrual cycle. If you PCOS please refer to CTH book. You can also just google "PCOS Medical Medium" and bunch of links will come up like this radio show.
2nd Note: Bartholin cysts are different than the cysts above and caused by strep (see next section below for more information). I'm guessing vaginal cysts belong in the general cyst category.
If I had a vaginal/uterine/ovarian/cervical cyst (not PCOS), I would follow the cyst protocol below.
Cyst Protocol Options:
- Essentials: Celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie, low fat/low protein diet, zinc, b12, remove eggs and dairy from diet, other foods to avoid while healing
- In the Cleanse to Heal book MM lists lots of options (I highly recommend you buy this book especially to get the correct dosages) From his long list, I would focus on the following: fresh aloe vera water, heavy metal detox smoothie, cats claw, chaga with honey tea, tea concoction (lemon balm, nettle leaf, raspberry leaf), micro C.
- On Facebook he has recommended to following for cysts: berries (large berry smoothies are great), chaga with honey (again), nettle leaf (again) red root (very effective), sweet potatoes (at least once a day... per my own experience)
- In the Celery Juice book he obviously recommends celery juice! Hehe! If it was me I would be drinking CJ twice a day. At least 20 ounces.
- In Life Changing Foods book (my favorite book) he recommends berries, wild blueberries (especially great, I would be eating them 2x a day), cherries (especially strong, try drinking a cherry smoothie made with cherries. Build up quantity slowly, cherries can detox you strong), pomegranates (especially helpful, I would be making fresh pomegranate juice), asparagus (steam at dinner or you could blend raw asparagus with celery to make juice. It's super gross but potent), celery juice, ginger, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, turmeric (my favorite is to blend a HANDFUL of fresh turmeric with fresh 20 ounces of OJ, then strain), burdock root tea, dandelion tea, nettle leaf tea, raw honey.
16. Bartholin Cyst & Skene's Glad Cyst (probably)
Here are the basics: "The Bartholin's glands are a pair of pea-sized glands found just behind and either side of the lips that surround the entrance to the vagina. The glands are not usually noticeable because they're rarely larger than 1cm (0.4 inches) across. The Bartholin's glands secrete fluid that acts as a lubricant during sex." (nhs.uk)
In conventional medicine when one of these glands becomes infected a cyst/lump can form. These cysts are actually considered to be quite common but in rare instances it can be cancerous. Again, this is rare. If it were me, I would still head to the conventional doctor's office just to be safe. Then I would start on the protocols below. If you have been emotionally/physically injured by doctors I completely understand. Check out this blog post BEFORE booking your appointment, it might help. How to Work With Your Doctors Without Going Crazy (myvulvodyniacure.blogspot.com)
Again, most of you are probably experiencing a benign cyst. Anthony William briefly mentioned that bartholin cysts are caused by strep bacteria. Now, strep is the bacteria that likes to live in the slime that EBV (a virus) creates in your body. These two assholes come together to screw us. So you can safely assume that if you have strep, you also have EBV. Take a deep breath. I had both as well and healed. If it was me, once I got this cyst under control then I would remain on an EBV/strep protocol for sometime afterward.
Skene's Cyst
If it was me I would also try the protocol below to heal a Skene's gland cyst because per conventional medicine Skene's cyst is caused by an obstruction of the Skene's glands as a result of infection. My guess is that the infection is strep with an EBV component similar to Batholin's glands which means you should be focusing on killing strep. Just my guess.
Skene's Cyst
If it was me I would also try the protocol below to heal a Skene's gland cyst because per conventional medicine Skene's cyst is caused by an obstruction of the Skene's glands as a result of infection. My guess is that the infection is strep with an EBV component similar to Batholin's glands which means you should be focusing on killing strep. Just my guess.
Bartholin Cyst (Strep) Protocol
*MM has not yet outlined a specific protocol to heal bartholin cysts but he has outlined a strep protocol and vaginal strep recommendations. I have used these protocols plus my experience healing strep and other women in the trenches to design the protocol below.
- Essentials: Celery juice (once or even twice a day) and heavy metal detox smoothie, low fat/low protein diet, zinc, b12, remove eggs and dairy from diet, other foods to avoid while healing
- IF YOU ARE PREGNANT: please DON'T TAKE MOST HERBS, per MM. If you are pregnant and having issues please contact us on our facebook group or schedule an appointment with an MM coach, see post 7. (I had to heal a bunch of issues while pregnant)
- Teas or Tea concoction:
- Herbs:
- Cat’s claw is a potent strep killer. You can drink it as a tea or alcohol free tincture. This is the herb one myself and other experienced MMers would recommend highly. (MM’s highest dosage recommendation is 4 dropperful twice a day. Again, go slow, I would slowly build up to higher amounts. Detox is real.) Again please do not take cat's claw if you are pregnant or if you might be pregnant.
- Goldenseal (I would just take this as a alcohol free tincture) It’s super gross but super potent especially for strep. If it was me I would be doing goldenseal shock therapy which is in the Brain Protocol book.
- Zinc shock therapy: Medical Medium: Zinc Shock Therapy
- Other great herbs: lemon balm, oregano, rosemary and thyme, licorice root (two weeks on, two weeks off), olive leaf
- Healing with Tea Concoctions (myvulvodyniacure.blogspot.com)
- Strep Killing Foods - lots of fruits and veggies help with strep, these are my favorites
- Wild blueberries, spinach (raw, not cooked), bananas, ginger and garlic (Medical Medium: Raw Garlic Therapy For Colds), onion (making a soup with this broth would be great) raw honey, cherries, berries, sweet potatoes.
- 12 Foods That Help Heal Strep (medicalmedium.com)
- Another experienced MM coach recommended the following in a private call: cat’s claw, goldenseal, mullein, propolis, eyebright, olive leaf, micro C, sovereign silver. Sovereign silver gel is great topically. Aloe vera might help topically and you might want to consider drinking fresh aloe vera water.
- Best MM recommendations for vaginal strep (I included vaginal strep recommendations cause these cysts are at the entrance of the vagina)
- chaga tea with honey, nettle leaf, garlic
- Supplements
- Zinc and micro C
- Topical Compress
- A compress of Sovereign Silver on the cyst is one way to go after the strep topically. Warm compresses may also lower the inflammation. We’ve heard from a pelvic PT (not MM) that warm compresses after sex can be helpful for preventing these cysts.)
17. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Cleanse to Heal book: HPV is fueled by the NO foods (especially eggs) and take advantage of the reproductive system's lowered immunity caused by other viruses like EBV and bacteria strep which allows HPV to proliferate. HPV is a docile virus that causes little to no harm unless there are multiple systemic chronic low-grade infections.
Supplement Recommendations from Cleanse to Heal (see the book for correct dosages): Zinc (critical), 5MTHF, aloe vera, ashwaghanda, barley juice grass powder, cat's claw, chaga, curcumin, eyebright, lemon balm, licorice root, L-lysine, lomatium root, monlaurin, nascent iodine, nettle leaf, spirulina, turmeric, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D3, wild blueberry powder
Foods Recommendations from Cleanse to Heal and FB: wild blueberries, oranges/tangerines, sprouts, ginger, raspberry leaf, aloe vera, coconut, cauliflower, celery juice,
If it was me.... I would focus on cleaning up my morning food. Lemon water with honey, celery juice (work up to 24-32 ounces), heavy metal detox smoothie. Zinc 3x a day, Llysine 2x a day, tea concoction or tinctures of lemon balm/raspberry leaf/nettle leaf/licorice root/cats claw. Aloe vera orange juice in the afternoon (juice fresh orange, blend with 2 inches of aloe vera flesh, fresh grated ginger, coconut water and blend. I would probably drink this a few times a day) Mashed cauliflower/potatoes for dinner with veggies or baked tomoatoes. For lunch I would use the same mashed mixture and add a salad to the side with lots of sprouts. Wild blueberry crumble a few times a day, see my recipe directory. Yes... you're just gonna eat your way through healing ;)
If it was me.... I would focus on cleaning up my morning food. Lemon water with honey, celery juice (work up to 24-32 ounces), heavy metal detox smoothie. Zinc 3x a day, Llysine 2x a day, tea concoction or tinctures of lemon balm/raspberry leaf/nettle leaf/licorice root/cats claw. Aloe vera orange juice in the afternoon (juice fresh orange, blend with 2 inches of aloe vera flesh, fresh grated ginger, coconut water and blend. I would probably drink this a few times a day) Mashed cauliflower/potatoes for dinner with veggies or baked tomoatoes. For lunch I would use the same mashed mixture and add a salad to the side with lots of sprouts. Wild blueberry crumble a few times a day, see my recipe directory. Yes... you're just gonna eat your way through healing ;)
Excerpt from this blog post "HPV. This virus is similar to other viruses in the herpetic family, which includes Epstein-Barr and shingles, both of which create many health issues. Sodium cluster salts in celery break down the outer membranes of the HPV virus. If you drink celery juice daily for two or three years solid you will knock down the virus, and do a whole lot of other good for your health at the same time. HPV has no immunity to celery juice.
What doctors think are cells that have been compromised due to HPV that can then lead to cancer is actually cancer caused by Epstein-Barr virus. With weapons like celery juice and the Medical Medium books you can fight these viruses and protect yourself. I share how cancers develop and how celery juice helps in Medical Medium Celery Juice."
So all the anti virals, silica (nettle, orgono g5 siliplant), kale, HMDS, would all be helpful. Side note: check out MM's recommended supplements and it will list the right ones.
Side note: If you are new to MM, no one is affiliated with these supplement companies even though it seems that way sometimes. We've all just been sick for a long time and the supplemental market is full of shit products. We're just trying to save you some healing time.
Vaginal Dryness is caused by adrenal fatigue per the MM book. So you'll need to work on your adrenals. The basic tenet is to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.
- There is a great HPV healing success story in our Facebook group, Vulva Warriors Medical Medium, see the link above. (She wasn't comfortable sharing it here) Just go to our group, look up "HPV" and its in the conversation started by Jade in November of 2021.
- ToHealFromWithin commented on Mimi's October 24, 2022 post: "I had HPV a few years back which showed in two of my Papsmear test for 2 years in a row and they wanted to monitor me. I started MM protocols and had my 3rd Papsmear completed 6 months into MM protocols and came back completely negative! My doctor couldn’t believe it! And I said to her, I believe it. I know it’s from MM protocols that helped it be negative!"
She added, "all I did was I made sure I stopped all the No Foods from the beginning (I have not slipped up not even once with no foods) and have done LW, CJ and HMDS everyday without missing a day! I stay raw until about 4pm as well but anything I would eat does not come out of a packet. Only fresh fruits and vegetables!
I did not consume any supplements for the first 4 months of starting MM as I wanted to ease into it slowly so I wouldn’t detox too hard and then slowly starting after that, but my results were negative soon after so I’m sure it was removing the No Foods was the reason for the results. I stopped anything with fragrances as well. Everything I use is unscented and haven’t worn perfume or deodorant in almost a year now.
I don’t fertilise my grass or use pesticides/insecticides anymore for the last year! I also make sure to eat a lot of cilantro/coriander. I have not done any cleanses yet but will try them after being on MM for a year which my 1 year MM anniversary is coming up shortly on 1st November 2022! 🙌
Try also doing these Brain Saver shots! These will also help in so many ways. I am a single widow mother of two teenagers for the last 9.5 years and have struggled with so many health issues since the tragic loss of my husband. I was so blessed to have come across Anthony because he had saved my life in many ways and not just for HPV. Please reach out to me anytime about anything, I would be happy to help out with any of your questions!💕😘🌺 And this goes for anyone else in this group who would like to reach out to me anytime 💕 I am from Australia so bare with my replies with the time differences!
Muneeza (she is an experienced MM coach, see post 7) has said prolapse can happen when we push a lot if we have weak connective tissue. Some prolapse is from heavy metals but also viral. Most prolapse happens in women who have given birth. All of the toxins contribute to the weakness of the tissues.
Kale is very helpful in repairing connective tissue, as well as silica and removing metals and toxins. It takes time for the connective tissue to heal. There's a lot of tissue and fascia that hold the organs into place.
MM was asked on the following live and he said this...When you are high in heavy metals, your connective tissue start to weaken which creates a prolapsed pelvis
So all the anti virals, silica (nettle, orgono g5 siliplant), kale, HMDS, would all be helpful. Side note: check out MM's recommended supplements and it will list the right ones.
*This section was written by one of our really experienced healers in our Facebook group, Vulva Warriors, Medical Medium
Prolapse recommendations per Life Changing Foods book:
Bladder prolapse: cherries, raspberry leaf, nettle leaf
Uterine Prolapse: raspberry leaf
Silica Sources: melon, artichokes, asparagus, leafy greens, lemon balm, dandelion, nettle leaf, rose hips
Prolapse recommendations per Life Changing Foods book:
Bladder prolapse: cherries, raspberry leaf, nettle leaf
Uterine Prolapse: raspberry leaf
Silica Sources: melon, artichokes, asparagus, leafy greens, lemon balm, dandelion, nettle leaf, rose hips
Removing heavy metals: melon (from deep within the organs, LCF 102), grapes (remove HM from liver, kidneys etc, LCF 11), oranges (deactivate toxic heavy metals in the system, LCF 106), asparagus (organs cleaners, get deep in organs for metals, LCF 128), celery (foundational), leafy greens, radish greens (they cleanse metals to an EXTREME DEGREE, they hold as much power as cilantro, LCF 164), sprouts, aromatic herbs (remove from intestinal tract), cilantro (TOP REMOVER), garlic, turmeric, dulse (TOP), red clover, wild blueberries (TOP), dandelion, burdock.
Side note: If you are new to MM, no one is affiliated with these supplement companies even though it seems that way sometimes. We've all just been sick for a long time and the supplemental market is full of shit products. We're just trying to save you some healing time.
19. Reproductive System Problems
According to Life Changing Foods book (Fertility Chapter page 281) The best foods to heal the reproductive system are asparagus, spinach, artichokes, kale, celery, butter leaf lettuce, potatoes, garlic, coconut, sprouts, microgreens, raw honey. The best herbs to heal the reproductive system in this chapter are nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, red clover
According to Life Changing Foods book (Fertility Chapter page 281) The best foods to heal the reproductive system are asparagus, spinach, artichokes, kale, celery, butter leaf lettuce, potatoes, garlic, coconut, sprouts, microgreens, raw honey. The best herbs to heal the reproductive system in this chapter are nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, red clover
20. Abnormal Pap smear Results (ie abnormal cervical cells)
Best things: artichokes, sprouts, sweet potatoes, ginger, raspberry leaf, wild blueberries
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Best things: artichokes, sprouts, sweet potatoes, ginger, raspberry leaf, wild blueberries
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
21. Painful Sex (healing to have the best sex of your life ;)
I personally had a lot of sex issues cause for most of my life cause my vagina was an absolute disaster. She had good moments at times but once I healed, I realized that she had been upset for years and years before the extreme vaginal burning began. So let's talk about sex. Parts of this section is based from healing my own vagina and pulling relatable MM recommendations. MM has yet to give us specific tips on making the vagina super pliable for good sex yet ;) Myself and few other MMers in our group who have healed a lot of vaginal issues have openly discussed that sex is now WAY better than pre-healing cause our vaginas are finally healthy.
Muscle stiffness (MY GUESS) is caused by inflamed nerves that are woven inside the muscles. The vagina should be super pliable for sex and for having babies. So if the nerves are mad they actually tighten up the vaginal muscles. If the vagina is tight MY GUESS is that the nerves are inflamed. When pathogens are present or have been present in the recent past they inflame the nerves. Please read section 4 above to find a long list of recommendations to heal inflamed nerves.
As for the muscle stiffness, papayas are great for healing muscle stiffness per LCF book. So if it were me (and it was) I would be eating a lot of papaya. Making a concoction of celery juice blended with papaya per LCF book is powerful. Lots of lysine help this as well. After I healed my vagina, I ate a lot of papaya before giving birth to my daughter and her birth lasted only about 50 minutes.... it was wild. This was mainly due to my strong adrenals but I think the papaya helped the pliability. Asparagus heals muscle stiffness as well, so a bunch once a day and they heal nerves so that would be ideal cause it also supports the adrenals. Juicing it with celery is powerful and also super gross. Sorry! Cat's claw heals muscle tightness and vaginal burning (inflamed nerves) so that's ideal. Just FYI... don't take cat's claw if you are trying to get pregnant. That being said... I was on it for two years, stopped taking it for 2 months and got pregnant with my daughter who is now 3. Ginger is amazing for muscle tightness, so MM's ginger water would be great.
Skin pliability and tearing (my guess) is caused by what MM calls "dirty blood syndrome." Basically the liver is too sick to clean your blood properly which allows dirty to be circulating throughout your body making your skin dysfunctional. See section 8 above.
Vaginal Pain (provoked or unprovoked) is caused by inflamed nerves (see section 4 above). Your vagina SHOULD NOT HURT DURING INTERCOURSE. If if does then there are pathogens/toxins present. MM recommends specific things (dates and licorice root from his LCF book) to heal vaginal pain. Licorice root should be an herb that you pulse. Meaning, you should take it for two weeks, then take a two week break. When I had vaginal pain, dates and licorice root was just part of my protocol. Licorice root also heals adrenals, vaginal dryness and libido. (Now every time my husband sees licorice root on the counter I get "the look." Haha! Sigh.)
Vaginal Dryness is caused by adrenal fatigue per the MM book. So you'll need to work on your adrenals. The basic tenet is to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.
Best herbs to heal adrenal fatigue: *licorice root, *nettle leaf, *chaga with honey, red clover, rose hips, lemon balm, burdock, ginger (I added a * next to my favorites when I healed my adrenals)
Best foods to heal adrenal fatigue: apples, avocados, bananas, berries, wild blueberries, cherries, dates, kiwis, lemons & limes, mangoes, oranges and tangerines, pomegranates, artichokes, asparagus, celery, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers, leafy greens, sprouts, sweet potatoes, cilantro, garlic ginger, parsley, raw honey
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Source: Medical Medium Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
Best supplements (see Cleanse to Heal book for dosages. This is important cause we have learned some supplements don't make much of a difference till you take a higher dosage) celeryforce, amla berry, ashwagandha, b-complex, chicory root, hibiscus, lemon balm, licorice root, magnesium glycinate, nettle leaf, schisandra berry, spirulina, B12, micro-C, zinc.
If it was healing adrenal fatigue this is what I would do: MM basics (off the NO foods, lemon water 3x a day, celery juice upon waking, HMDS, zinc, b12, micro C), celery/asparagus juice and/or asparagus for dinner every night, garlic/ginger/honey concoction (see post 18), eat a adrenal snack every 1/5 hours, licorice root (best herb for adrenals and perfect for healing inflamed nerves) with nettle leaf and lemon balm. Chaga with honey. Sweet potato bowl daily (see post 18) Blend 8 cups of leafy greens and parsley and/or cilantro blended with fresh orange then strained through nutbag. (Side note: you'll notice that nettle leaf, licorice root, chaga, celery, all MM basics, cilantro, parlsey, asparagus, sweet potatoes are all star vagina healers. You'll see them recommended again and again on this page)
If it was healing adrenal fatigue this is what I would do: MM basics (off the NO foods, lemon water 3x a day, celery juice upon waking, HMDS, zinc, b12, micro C), celery/asparagus juice and/or asparagus for dinner every night, garlic/ginger/honey concoction (see post 18), eat a adrenal snack every 1/5 hours, licorice root (best herb for adrenals and perfect for healing inflamed nerves) with nettle leaf and lemon balm. Chaga with honey. Sweet potato bowl daily (see post 18) Blend 8 cups of leafy greens and parsley and/or cilantro blended with fresh orange then strained through nutbag. (Side note: you'll notice that nettle leaf, licorice root, chaga, celery, all MM basics, cilantro, parlsey, asparagus, sweet potatoes are all star vagina healers. You'll see them recommended again and again on this page)
22. Topical Pain Soothers & Douches
Using a topical treatment to calm down a vulva/vagina flare is like adding oil to a car with a broken engine. It might give you some relief but you'll still need to heal yourself deeper (killing pathogens, removing toxins, healing your liver and intestinal tract, etc.) to experience a consistent healthy vagina. Remember... you shouldn't be flaring AT ALL. You should be able to have wild amazing SEX without ANY repercussions or issues. You should be able to go swimming or exercise or walk around without any issues. Topical pain soothers won't heal the deeper root of your problems but they might SAVE YOUR SANITY and that's VERY important.
You probably assume that I consider vagina health to be your number one priority but because I've experienced the deep trenches of intense pain I think that your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IS YOUR SANITY. Cause this shit can make you nuts! Another reason pain soothers are important is because when you experience pain your body releases adrenaline which further exasperates your problems.
Now sometimes I found a topical treatment that could calm down my pain/burning/itch and sometimes I couldn't. I ALWAYS found that green juices and a few other concoctions were the BEST and FASTEST pain reducers of all (see post 18 "Healing Juices and Concoctions"). When I flared, I would drink a green juice AND use a topical treatment to get things under control.
When you are testing topical treatments ALWAYS try them near a shower or bath. Just in case you need to wash it off. This is rare but I talked to a woman in our community who flared from WATER ALONE so don't be surprised that sometimes ANYTHING can be too much. Sometimes these topicals are heaven and sometimes topicals just don't work. I just want to prepare you either way.
Note: Just to clarify... this website is not affiliated with anyone. I/We do not make any money from this website. Why? Cause I just want y'all to believe in our experiences. My main goal is to convince you that we are telling the truth and rebuild your hope in healing. We just want to shorten your healing journey and end your pain.
Our Favorite Topical Soothers:
You probably assume that I consider vagina health to be your number one priority but because I've experienced the deep trenches of intense pain I think that your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IS YOUR SANITY. Cause this shit can make you nuts! Another reason pain soothers are important is because when you experience pain your body releases adrenaline which further exasperates your problems.
Now sometimes I found a topical treatment that could calm down my pain/burning/itch and sometimes I couldn't. I ALWAYS found that green juices and a few other concoctions were the BEST and FASTEST pain reducers of all (see post 18 "Healing Juices and Concoctions"). When I flared, I would drink a green juice AND use a topical treatment to get things under control.
When you are testing topical treatments ALWAYS try them near a shower or bath. Just in case you need to wash it off. This is rare but I talked to a woman in our community who flared from WATER ALONE so don't be surprised that sometimes ANYTHING can be too much. Sometimes these topicals are heaven and sometimes topicals just don't work. I just want to prepare you either way.
Note: Just to clarify... this website is not affiliated with anyone. I/We do not make any money from this website. Why? Cause I just want y'all to believe in our experiences. My main goal is to convince you that we are telling the truth and rebuild your hope in healing. We just want to shorten your healing journey and end your pain.
Our Favorite Topical Soothers:
- 22A - True Story and Foundational Daily Practice - Rinsing with WATER for ANGRY VULVA, HOT/BURNING URETHRA: I learned about rinsing from an acupuncturist years before MM. Basically you just rinse your lady parts with water after going to the bathroom. All you need is water and a cup. You do this right over the toilet and when you get good at the practice it only takes about 10 seconds. This alone cut my reoccurring UTIs by more than 1/2. IMPORTANT NOTE: Now I use tap water (cause I'm lazy) but when I was in pain I had to rinse with FILTERED WATER.
- Here's my entire post about it: Rinsing is Essential (healingvaginas.org)
- When I posted about rinsing on November 18, 2020 in our VWMM group another woman mentioned "I have a spray bottle full of water next to my toilet. I spray my lady parts right after I pee and it has made a huge difference!"
- When I posted this on our general Vulva Warrior FB group on March 1, 2020 these were some of the responses (they are still posted in this group if you want to read them yourself):
- "Totally true! Regular water bottle works even better"
- "I used to work at a manufacturing plant and the women always took cups of water into the stall with them. The American women thought it was extremely odd, myself included. Now I know."
- "I do this too with a peri bottle. It has been a GAME CHANGER for me. I bought several on Amazon and keep them in every bathroom and my purse"
- "I'm sorry.. Half way through (reading the post) I was trying to understand what you meant by rinsing.. Did it mean washing the vulva with water every time you pee or poop? I'm a Muslim so it's like a daily habit for me so I failed to understand lol. Yess every time I rinse it does cool down my vulva a bit. It does help."
- "I keep a spray bottle of filtered water with a couple drops of tea tree and colloidal silver in it and spray after every time." I found this very interesting. I wouldn't try tea tree but I would try lavender. MM does list sovereign silver on his website so I would purchase that brand.
- 22B - True Story, Nettle Leaf Compress (vulva itch/burn & butthole itchy/burn)
- This was posted by a member of our Vulva Warrior MM 369 Cleanse Facebook group. "I was experiencing itching for a week or so. I have been doing the Nettle Leaf tee as a compress for about 5 days and I have noticed a big improvement! itch was about a 5 before and now its gone! It also feels so good on my V. So soothing and calming. Not itchy now but still doing it because its just soo great! Thanks JJ K Tree for telling me about it! Her instructions: Make a batch of STRONG nettle leaf tea. soak a face cloth in it and hold it to your v for about 20 mins. (first doing do it for less time. Your V might not like it.) I like the tea to be quite warm. I put a towel underneath me so that it wont drip onto my bed." (Note: JJK Tree is the other coach on our group)
- Personally, I took nettle leaf tea bags, soaked them in a little warm water and put them straight on the vulva. This DID calm down the itch nicely. I was also drinking celery/cucumber/parsley/lemon juice too.
- My friend's son who is 5 was experiencing a horrible itching and burning butthole. Poor thing! So gave her advice from section 12 (above). I also recommended nettle leaf compresses. We live in Ireland and nettle grows everywhere here. So she went outside, picked a bunch of nettle leaf. She put the nettle into a laundry basket and placed it into their bathtub with hot water. She made a nettle leaf bath! She let that seep for 15 minutes. She removed the laundry basket/nettle and had her son sit in the water for 10-15 minutes. The next day she sent me this text "OMG! The nettle is potent! The skin already has healthy coating over most of the area. Thank you!!!!!" Boom. Nettle leaf.
- If I were to do it again... I think a nettle leaf tea in a sitz bath would be amazing for vulva
- 22C - True Story, Aloe Vera for ITCH: Debbie sent me this story in a PM on FB on July 15, 2022 "I bought a fresh aloe leaf and cut off about 3-4 inches (not white part) to put in my HMDS then used part of the rest to put on my itchy vulva and the itch basically went away." It's a good idea to keep pieces of frozen fresh aloe in the freezer just in case. The cold really helps as well. Also... I'm sure HMDS also helped tremendously because vulva itch (with no rash) is caused by neurotoxins inflaming the nerves. Neurotoxins are created when a pathogen consumes a metal so if you remove metals and/or pathogens... tada! The itch fades as well (speaking from experience here)
- 22D - True Story, Aloe Vera (frozen) for ITCH: This personally helped me once when I flared with vulva itch. I cut up fresh aloe and froze them. Then I rubbed a frozen piece on my vulva and it really did alleviate all the itch. It was pretty amazing.
- 22E - True Story, Honey/Propolis for YEAST, ITCH, PAIN: On October 21, 2022 Camila posted: "Just want to post a tip I discovered today after dealing with a hell on earth yeast infection for the past few days. In desperation for some relief I slathered on some raw honey on my vagina and it gave me relief. However, today I received a vimergy order with propolis and that changed the game. I place a few dropperfuls on my inflamed lips and have complete reduction of pain/itch almost back to zero. I’m over the moon. Continuing eating mainly raw for the next few days to see how it heals. I want to mention too that I dried the area completely first, since he mentioned to do that for sores in your mouth during his live. Not sure if it helped but I think it’s worth mentioning."
- 22F - Colloidal Silver and Lavender Oil for EXTERNAL ITCH -
- 22G - True Story, Goldenseal (douche) for VAGINAL YEAST or VAGINAL IRRITATION. I actually tried this after Muneeza recommended douching with goldenseal. I ate really bad for awhile (did I mention that I'm the absolute worst person to be doing this MM work... I should be a raw fruitarian living naked on a tropical island right now. That person exists... I found her on Instagram! Hehe) Anyway.... I was experiencing a little bit of discharge. So I mixed 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free goldenseal tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. It really did relieve the discharge. Wild. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of goldenseal.... just to test. Muneeza Ahmed is a great MM coach and she mentions this on her instagram, click on the link above.
- 22H - True Story, Living Libations Petal Soother for ANGRY HOT VULVAS. Katherine posted this on August 21, 2022 "ladies… this is not a cure but it’s pretty damn good for hot, itchy, irritated, raw vulvas. Brand is recommended by AW too."
- Sarah mentioned Petal Soother on Alicia's October 6, 2022 post "Living libations petal soother is the best thing topically for me. It is minty so if your sensitive you can dilute it. I think they have one that is non mint as well. That and chilling with ice pack on your yoni."
- Just FYI... MM has not recommended this product but he has recommended other Living Libation products (usually for dental issues).
- 22I - True Story, Ozonated Olive Oil for ITCHING/PAIN. JJK Tree posted on Sarah's December 14, 2020 post "ozonated olive oil from the company Global Healing. I actually found this product (from a different company) helpful for my itching/pain. I never used it as lube though." So MM has not recommended this product but in the past he has recommended other Global Healing products.
- 22J - Calendula cream can also be used topically for YEAST.
- Source: Calendula (medicalmedium.com)
- 22K - Pomegranate Oil, Almond Oil and Avocado Oil for Vaginal Dryness
In our Facebook group (see the link above) Crystal commented on a post by a "Group Member" dated around February 6, 2023: "For temporary relief, I rub my vaginal area with some oil that is ok for the skin. It just helps it stay moist and less friction down there. It doesn't cure it. It is just for relief." So I asked what oil she used and she responded, "I use pomegranate oil. But I have used almond oil and avocado oil as well. Both of those work. I break out in rashes with coconut oil, so I can't use coconut oil. But other people might find it ok. I have never tried it though. Sunflower oil would be ok. I wouldn't use olive oil because olive oil is diluted with canola a lot in the industry, and they don't disclose it. Plus olive oil has a smell that might not be great to have on your lady parts." - 22L - Coconut Oil for Burning Sensation/Raw Pain (warning included) Rachael posted on June 20, 2021 that coconut oil helped a lot with burning sensation / raw feeling of vulva and vagina. I've heard this from a few women. In my experience, it didn't make any difference for me personally. Also please read section above (22K) where Crystal mentions that when she used coconut oil she would break out in rashes. So... feel free to test it out, near a full bath of water, just in case.
- 22M - Pau d'Arco Douche (candida/yeast/vaginal itching/vaginal burning) So in a facebook post MM recommends douching with Pau d'Arco. He doesn't give directions but I figured out a great method using goldenseal. If I had to do it again I would try this method. Try mixing 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture. Then use a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. According to MM, he actually recommends it for vaginal yeast but we've also see great success with calming down internal vaginal flares/burning.
- On March 31, 2023, Elaine posted that she was experiencing anal/vaginal itching. She asked us for advice about pau d'Arco douche. A week later she posted this: "As I was watching tv I realized I had gone all day and this evening with no burning/ itching! I only did the Pau D'Arco douche last night. This definitely motivates me to do it again. I haven't had relief like that in months." This is crazy and such an amazing breakthrough! Earlier in the week I recommended that she use 3T of filtered water with one dropper of alcohol-free tincture then used a baby syringe to douche. When you try this for the first time try 3T water to 5 drops of tincture. Just in case. I asked her how she did it specifically, this was her reply, "I changed the douche to 1 ml Pau D'Arco and about 1/2 cup water last night. I was a little afraid but everything was fine. Feel pretty good this morning. I will up the times a day. 😊"
- MM's reference link: (1) Facebook
- 22N - Sovereign Silver (candida/yeast/vaginal itching) I've used this one myself and it really makes a big difference with vaginal yeast and such. Basically use a children/baby oral syringe and fill it with sovereign silver (which is different than colloidal silver please don't confuse the two) MM has his recommended brand on his site. Once you fill it with SS then lay down to douche so you can let the SS sit a bit. When you are douching with something new please make sure to have bath ready just in case.
Epstein Barr Info
Listen to this one first. EBV likes to latch on to broken nerve endings which continues to inflame them. It also creates a slime the strep likes to live in. He argues that 90% of pelvic inflammation is caused by strep.
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: pelvic inflammation, muscle pain, painful tender points, tingling, numbness, burning.
Strep Info
He argues 90% of pelvic inflammation cases are caused by strep. So this show is a must
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: pelvic inflammation, burning, vaginal pain, vaginal discharge, vaginal bacterial infection, UTI
*Please note that if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant do not take Cat's Claw.
Shingles Info
This is the other virus that he argues can also cause vaginal burning inside and out, without or without rashes. He describes this burning as excruciating. I had both. Ugh. I would also recommend getting his first book titled 'Medical Medium' and reading the chapter on shingles.
Most helpful for the following vulvodynia symptoms: intense vaginal burning (inside/outside with or without rashes)
UTI Info
Many V sufferers also battle UTIs. This show also covers many lady part problems and how to calm down inflammation with ice.
Heavy Metal Detox Info
Strep feeds on metals so you will also need to detox the metals in your system as well. Just one more smoothie during the day.
Candida Info
Healing Your Nerves
Don't be scared to eat your fruit!
Birth Control/Contraceptives
So I wasn't quite sure where to put this so I'm leaving the link here. This is written by Muneeza who is an experienced MM health coach. Birth Control - Good, Bad, & Ugly - Muneeza Ahmed
Medical Medium
Life-Changing Foods
Thyroid Healing
Liver Rescue
When cancelling out the unproductive foods and consuming the nutritional recommendations, and adding in supplements as well, can symptoms worsen? I've had V issues for far too long and realize I'm not gonna heal overnight, but I seem to be noticing an increase in painful sensitivities along with my usual sore spots. The area does not appear to look any worse. Has anyone else experienced this?
ReplyDeleteYes. Unfortunately. If you push the detox too fast it can increase pain. Other coaches have pushed through and healed. I'm a wimp. I was all about pain reduction. I would recommend, leaning more on the green juices rather than herbs. Celery is great for reducing inflammation. So is maradol papaya and aloe vera juice. Chaga, cat's claw, nettle leaf, raspberry leaf all were great pain reduces. So was the heavy metal detox.
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DeleteHey there! Are you still monitoring this post and its comments? I would like to ask you something if you are... I have been following Anthony's protocol for over a year now and wanted to chat with someone with similar issues that I have..
ReplyDeleteOh shoot! Somehow I missed your comment! Sorry! Just email me at sarisbaris40@gmail.com
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