1. HONEY GARLIC GINGER CONCOCTION This recipe is similar to Anthony William's Turmeric Ginger Shots which he recommends for many things. The only problem is that it's super time consuming to make because you have to juice the ingredients. Personally, I found that I needed a faster and easier way to get garlic down me throughout the day which made a huge difference when healing SIBO and vaginal issues. AW argues that many vaginal issues are actually caused by strep in the lower intestine. Salsa made with lots of garlic also works but I got bored of it quickly. Honestly this concoction should NOT taste good but it DOES and I'm not quit sure why. It's such a strange combination but I'm lovin it! This recipe is designed for you to make a batch of it in the morning then leave it on your counter or refrigerator. I personally found that I could knock down symptoms significantly by taking a spoonful of this concoction every two hours while awake. Make sure to put an alar...
UPCOMING EVENT: Please join us online Monday, April 14, 5:30 (PST) for a Q&A about healing vaginas (etc) using MM protocols. See event page for more details.