In a small pot over low/medium heat, mix wild blueberries, lime juice (can do lemon) and some arrowroot (optional). Stir intermittently cause the arrowroot will harden to the bottom of the pot. Once thickened, then add maple syrup or a mixture of coconut sugar/honey. It tastes like blueberry pie. So good!
Oatmeal & Wild Blueberry Compote
In a small pot over low/medium heat, mix wild blueberries, lime juice (can do lemon) and some arrowroot (optional). Stir intermittently cause the arrowroot will harden to the bottom of the pot. Once thickened, then add maple syrup or a mixture of coconut sugar/honey. It tastes like blueberry pie. So good!
Raw Oatmeal
My favorite way to make oatmeal is to blend 2 bananas, 1-2 dates, water and some gluten free oats. It's super fast and delicious. You can use a blender but I like to use my immersion blender.
Grain Free Option
To make it extra healing, don't add the arrowroot. You can also replace the oats with frozen bananas blended in a food processor or this recipe is great Banana Apple Oatmeal (

Every morning I drink either the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, Liver Rescue smoothie or just a plain smoothie. If you are doing the original Liver Cleanse then AW recommends the Liver Rescue Smoothie. Liver Rescue Smoothie ( If you want to also incorporate the HMD smoothie then drink it after the Liver Rescue smoothie. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (
My Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: I personally like 3-4 bananas, orange juice from 3-4 oranges, 1 cup blueberries, lots frozen cherries, frozen pineapple or mango, 1 cup cilantro and maybe some spinach if it's not too much, 1-2 dates, spirulina, barley juice grass.
Please note: If you notice I do not include dulse cause it's gross. This is one of the 5 key HMD ingredients (dulse, spirulina, barley juice grass powder, cilantro, wild bluberries). So I either mix some with OJ or a bit of the smoothie in a small cup and shoot it before my breakfast smoothie.
Sweet Potato Bowl__________________________________
I’m a sweet potato connoisseur. The trick to the perfect sweet potato is to pick out the thinner ones at the grocery store.
-Peel, dice and steam
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