My healing journey was definitely not a downward slope… the experience was more like a roller coaster built on a downward slope. Yes, pain decreased but then it increased, then it spiked, then it went down again. If someone watched me heal, it would have seemed all over the place. My flares would emotionally floor me because when something went wrong it would take me a while to figure out what happened and how to address it. I would read MM info and create a hypothesis and a protocol. I would try that protocol for a bit. Then usually my first try didn't work so I would dive back into MM information and create another hypothesis/protocol. I kept trying different elements, looking for breadcrumbs of insight. Sometimes it just took more time and I needed to have patience. Other times it worked after increasing supplementation, removing something toxic from my home environment, trying different protocols or focusing on specific recommendations within one protocol. Yes, there wer...
UPCOMING EVENT: Please join us online Monday, April 14, 5:30 (PST) for a Q&A about healing vaginas (etc) using MM protocols. See event page for more details.