We are closing the original Vulva Warrior Facebook Group and have fully moved on to our offshoot group Vulva Warriors Medical Medium Facebook Group (click here).
Long Version: Years ago after I healed from vulvodynia, I got recruited to help with Vulva Warrior Facebook group. Many of the women I was trying to help honestly didn’t believe that I healed so I spent a lot of my time just trying to convince them to give Medical Medium a try. Once more women healed then we spent most of our time trying to convince women to not combine MM protocols with other health protocols. Once we created an MM Facebook group dedicated to helping women healing vaginas (Vulva Warriors Medical Medium… link below) that’s when we really started to see results because we learned from each others stories. MM also published more information making the path to healing easier.
Basically, when we have free time we spend it in our MM Facebook group (Vulva Warrior Medical Medium) because we found his protocols to be the best way to heal vulvovaginal/pelvic issues. The original group Vulva Warriors has a lot of history to it but we just don't have enough time to keep up with everything. If I am completely transparent, we just didn't see results with other healing protocols.
If you are thinking of joining our MM group https://www.facebook.com/groups/828033854607387 please note that this is a group that only discusses Medical Medium information. Please familiarize yourselves with MM information (read Medical Medium book or Cleanse to Heal book) and/or read post 1 in my blog, before requesting to join! Thank you!
Here's my permanent event/group page (click here)
Hope you all find health and healing!
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